Yakuza 5



Ryuu Ga Gotoku 5 - Part 1 第一章 漂泊の地 - Chapter 1 Wandering Around

Cut Scene: 盃交渉 - Toast Negotiations:


December 12th 2012, Evening.

Nagasugai, Fukuoka.

Daigo and Madarame talk in the back of a car.

The car approaches a street where two sets of yakuza line both sides of the street. We will later see they are the members of the Yahata Family and the Toujou Clan.

Aoyama opens up the door to the car.

Aoyama Welcome back, Chairman Dojima.
Daigo Sure.

Daigo and Madarame continue to talk in the back of a car.

Daigo So Chairman Madarame, please consider my proposal.
Madarame You seem like a man I can trust...
After I cancelled our meeting at the hotel suddenly, you agreed to meeting me like this...
In this car without guards, you could have been open to assassination, despite this you came and had the meeting.

Title: Head of the Yamagasa Family: Madarame Tadashi


Daigo This meeting is important to us.
Anyway, I doubted the man who controls the whole of Kyushu would have done such a thing.
When in Rome... Whilst here in Fukuoka I will abide by your rules.
Madarame You're saying that the man who controls 30,000 men would submit yourself to me who has less than 500 men?
Daigo Certainly. That's what an equal alliance is about.
Madarame I see. Not only are you brave but you have a good moral compass. I can see why you are in charge of the Toujou Clan despite being so young. Allow me to consider your proposal for an alliance thoroughly. I will give you my answer in due course.
Daigo Sure, it's a dangerous world out there. Look after yourself.

Daigo exits the car and Aoyama closes the door and the car leaves with Madarame.

Yahata signals for his men to leave. When they have departed, Yahata stares at Daigo and Aoyama et al., who in turn state back. Yahata prostates, touching his knees in humble respect, but when he returns to fully standing he throws a very unrespectful smirk as he walks off.

Daigo Who was he?
Aoyama A young lieutenant of the Yamagasa Family. He's Yahata, head of the Yahata Family.

The Toujou Clan men depart, leaving Daigo and Aoyama.

Daigo gets out a cigarette which Aoyama lights for him.

Aoyama It's a relief to see you return safely, sir.

Title: Toujou Clan General Manager and Head of the Aoyama Family: Aoyama Minoru


Aoyama I was afraid of what would happen after they cancelled the meeting at the hotel.
Daigo They're not that stupid. They wouldn't have done anything reckless.
Aoyama That's right.
Daigo Besides, if they really would have tried something then we would have been wasting our time trying to force them into an unwanted alliance. I am prepared to take some risks.

A car pulls up and Aoyama opens the door for the Toujou Clan chairman.

Aoyama We best be getting back to the hotel. It's dangerous to be out on the streets too long in an unfamiliar area.

Daigo has other plans and starts to walk away.

Aoyama Boss! Where are you going?
Daigo We've come all the way to Fukuoka, I want a bit of "me time". Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I don't need an escort.

Aoyama closes the door to the car and then calls over Morinaga and Aizawa and nods for them to follow Daigo.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: タクシードライバーのルール "The Taxi Drivers Rule"


Daigo walks up to a taxi stop and walks past a couple of taxi's. He knocks on the window of a specific cab.

The window rolls down and he talks to the driver.

Daigo May I have a ride?... Hey, I said I want a ride.
Taxi Driver Please go to the taxi at the front. That's the rule.
Daigo No, I want to get in your taxi please. You can't just turn down a customer for no reason.

The driver opens the door automatically and Daigo gets in.

Taxi Driver Where do you want to go?
Daigo Not bothered. Just drive around.

The driver sets the "In Use" light on and drives off.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: あてのないドライブ "Aimless Drive"


大吾 Daigo and the 運転手 (Taxi driver) drive. The Taxi driver's badge says Suzuki Taiichi.

Suzuki Taiichi is the assumed name for Kiryuu Kazuma. Throughout the rest of this guide I will reference him as Kiryuu.

Although it is obvious that Daigo knows who it is driving, neither of them mention the fact.

Daigo This is a nice place yeah? I can understand why people would come here. Have you been driving a taxi for long?
Taxi Driver Only half a year.
Daigo Half a year eh? So I would imagine you're not that knowledgeable about Fukuoka eh?
Taxi Driver Yes!
Daigo That's a shame. I thought all the taxi drivers here would have a breadth of knowledge of the area. I've come here from Tokyo for an important business deal. Oh well, just regard what I am saying as rambling and ignore me.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: 水面に揺蕩う想い "Imagine Water Rippling"


The taxi drives down a city street in Fukuoka and Kiryuu parks up.

Daigo Where are we? I didn't ask you to stop.
Taxi Driver Don't worry about paying. I cannot drive you around aimlessly any more.
Daigo So you're telling me to get out and walk home?

Kiryuu turns off the "In Use" light and it shows "Available".

Daigo So now I have to get out and use my feet then? Even though things seem bleak at the moment I intend to keep walking down this road the best I can, Fourth Chairman.

Kiryuu drives off and Daigo walks up to the edge of the water and flicks his cigarette into the water.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Title: 龍が如く 5: 夢叶えし者 "Ryuu Ga Gotoku 5 Yume Kaneshi Mono"


Kiryuu parks up at "Inariyama Parking Area", which has a drive-in soba and udon restaurant.

Credit: 黒田崇矢 Takaya Kuroda (Kiryuu)

Credit: 山寺 宏一 Kouichi Yamadera (Akiyama)

Credit: 釘宮理恵 Rie Kugimiya (Haruka)

Credit: 小山力也 Rikiya Koyama (Saejima)

Credit: 森川智之 Toshiyuki Morikawa (Shinada)

Credit: 朴璐美 Romi Park (Mirei Paku)

Credit: 宇垣秀成 Hidenari Ugaki (Majima)


Kiryuu walks into the restaurant and gives the lady at the counter a counter.

Lady [To Kiryuu] OK. [To the chef] Oi, One Soba Hot Soup.

Kiryuu walks to the side and takes off his glasses and face mask and puts them down on the rest.

In the background is a Japanese version of Robbie Williams' "Angels".

Two men are already in their with their noodles.

Man A Jeez, I give up! Business has been terrible today, as usual.
Man B I wonder when things will eventually pick up, eh?
Man A On the rare occaision I do get a customer it's just for a short distance.
Lady OK Soba Hot Soup is ready.

Kiryuu goes to pick up his noodles and returns to the place he has chosen, picks up a pair of chopsticks and begins to eat.

The two men are casually watching the TV.

Man A This kind of show is on a lot these days.
Man B Yeah, there are loads of them. My daughter really likes them.

Kiryuu looks round at the TV. Haruka is on there. She is an idol.

Man B This is the one, yeah? The Princess League that has loads of girls competing in it. Apparently the winner gets a major debut.
Man A But don't you think they're too young to be made to do this. You don't think they get warped by the whole thing?
Man B You're not wrong. There's no way I'd let my daughter do anything like that. Any parents that let their children get into that industry are just sending them off to chase an unachievable dream. That girl's parents obviously aren't thinking seriously about her future.

This upsets Kiryuu who overhears them and he slams down his bowl of noodles and storms out.

Lady: Thanks for your custom.

Outside, Kiryuu walks brsikly past a man smoking.

Credit: 哀川翔 Show Aikawa (Takasugi)

Credit: 大東駿介 Shunsuke Daito (Baba)

Credit: 片濑那奈 Nana Katase (Mayumi)

Credit: 徳重聡 Satoshi Tokushige (Daigo)

Credit: 奥田英二 Eiji Okuda (Serizawa Kazuhiko)


Kiryuu gets in his car and drives off. The smoking man looks on...

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.




第一章 Chapter 1

漂泊の地 Wandering Around


{{Now Loading}}

Cut Scene: 永州タクシー "Nagasu Taxis"


Kiryuu parks up at Nagasu Taxi Office and cleans his car.

Scene description by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 帰社報告 "Return to Office Report"


Kiryuu enters the taxi office, bows at colleagues then clocks off and gives his takings and log book to Mrs Hirakawa.

Kiryuu Here's my takings.
Mrs Hirakawa Ah, Suzuki-san, great work.

The boss 中嶋洋太郎 (Youtarou Nakajima) beckons Kiryuu from across the room.

Nakajima Great work.
Kiryuu Thanks Boss.
Nakajima I need to talk to you, come with me please.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Assisted Cut Scene:


Nakajima tells Kiryuu about Tenjin Transportation Company and it's President.

Adventure Mode


A screen will appear telling you about "Tips". When "Tips" appear on the HUD, you can press SELECT to see them straight away. Alternatively you can ignore them when they appear then find them later in the  under  You will probably only use them once for the related Press SELECT now to get it!

  • There is a SAVE POINT inside Nagasu Taxis that Kiryuu can use. The translation for which can be found on the  page.

On exiting the Taxi Rank you should recieve your second trophy. 

!NB Random Encounters are off so Kiryuu can wonder around Nagasu without being harassed just yet.

  • On exiting the Taxi Rank the first thing you might want to do is go to the  change the camera in the 
  • If you are not great at Japanese, it might be a good idea to look at the  which has all the locations that appear on the map with easy to understand translations.
  • Kiryuu is able to start a gameplay section called He needs to speak to the 観光協会員 Tourist Bureau Member at Nagasu River Street South near the ramen stalls.
  • Go to a shop and buy something. The from  would be a good choice as it will please the recipient (other items less so). See the  to view the shops which are coloured in pink. 鶴屋 - Tsuruya is just south of where Kiryuu starts from.
  • Take your newly bought item to the location marked on the map on 祇園通り 西 - Gion Street West. If you have not bought the correct item before entering then you will be asked if you want to enter.
    • 確認して出直す - Go back into town and buy something.
    • 大丈夫 - Enter.

{{Now Loading}}

Assisted Cut Scene:


桐生 Kiryuu enters the office and talks to 太った運転手 (Stout Driver). He is the 天神交通の社長 (Tenjin Transportation Company President).

Kiryuu gives the item he bought to the President.

Item movement box


To give the item to the President select it from the available list and then select "Yes":

  • はい Yes
  • いいえ No

! NB Get used to these two sets of characters as you will be using them a lot.

Depending on what Kiryuu gives him will change the President's response.

On leaving the the Tenjin Transport offices, Kiryuu calls Nakajima and tells him the Presidents response. Nakajima tells Kiryuu they should go and have some fun.

Adventure Mode


! NB You may hear a clicky pling type sound as you are playing. This happens when your character gets near to a pink marker objective that it appears on the periphery of the minimap (or is very close).

  • There is a pink marker at M Store on the corner of 祇園通り 西 - Gion Street West. All other routes are blocked.
  • Go to M Store and use the  Deposit at least 10,000 yen. (press 万 - 10,000 and then 決定 - Confirm).
  • Whilst you are here you could pick up a couple of the 8

On exiting M Store a 怪しい男 (Suspicious Man) approaches Kiryuu and asks about his ATM transaction.

{{Battle Mode}}


街のチンピラ (Street Hoodlums) x 3 (700 XP)

! If you get beaten in a fight, you may get the following

! Email from M Store

Adventure Mode


  • The next story marker is on 逢瀬橋 - Ouse Bridge. Youtarou Nakajima is waiting for Kiryuu / Suzuki.

Assisted Cut Scene:


Youtarou Nakajima takes Kiryuu to 華味鳥 - Hana Midori restaurant on 逢瀬橋 通り 西 - Ouse Bridge Street West and buys him food. If you are smart you may want to order all the food on the menu. This will mean that Hana Midori will be one less restaurant to visit for the section of the completion list.

After the meal Nakajima and Kiryuu walk down 永洲大 通り - Nagasu Main Street and see two hoodlums mythering a quiet young lady.

Nakajima tries to act chivalrous and aid the young lady, but gets knocked back. Enter Kiryuu...

{{Battle Mode}}


街のチンピラ (Street Hoodlums) x 2 (600 XP)

Semi-Assisted Cut Scene:


Kiryuu and Nakajima make sure the young woman is OK. In the background a young man is eavesdropping on them (Sousuke).

Nakajima takes Kiryuu to ラーメン屋台 たまき (Ramen Stall Tamaki) where they talk for a long time.

Youtarou Nakajima and Kiryuu then go to Club Olivier. Nakajima tells the ボーイ (doorman) that he wants the Number 1 hostess there.

Cut Scene: ナンバー1 "Number One"


Inside Club Oliver. A gaudy hostess approaches Kiryuu and Nakajima's table.

Momo Hello. I'm Momo.
Nakajima This one's not so cute. I said I wanted the number one girl.
Momo Don't be cruel, I have plenty of customers here.

Music swells as the camera pans around to another woman who enters the scene.

Mayumi Hello, I'm Mayumi.
Nakajima Now that's what I call "number one". Incredible.
Mayumi I'm no number one, I'm getting on a bit now.
Nakajima How can you say that!? Suzuki, don't you think she's beautiful?
Kiryuu Yeah, I guess...

Kiryuu and まゆみ(Mayumi) look at each other. The two hostess girls serve Kiryuu and Nakajima their drinks. Kiryuu looks uncomfortable with the situation.

There is a noisy customer on another table...

Senior Yakuza Damn it! Who the fuck do the Toujou Clan think they are? It pisses me right off!
[To Waiter] Oi! Bring us another bottle!

Cutscene translation by
Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: 極道の教育 "A Wicked Education"


On Kiryuu's table, Momo, the hostesses explains who the noisy customers are.

Nakajima Man, those customers are too noisy. Who are they?
Momo They're our protection. ("Ketsumochi" ケツ持ち(けつもち)).
Nakajima Your protection? Are they professional?
Momo Well, although the group itself is professional, these guys are just low ranking members of the Yamagasa family.
Nakajima Why did these guys have to come here for a drink? If they're protection, can't they just drink in their own place?
Momo It seems they had to make an exception today. At the moment there are some guys from... um!... oh yeah, the Toujou Clan - a yakuza group from Tokyo, who have come down to Nagasugai. So, apparently these guys here, were ordered by the top brass to come here to keep an eye on the place.
Nakajima I don't really get it, but it seems a bit dangerous, don't you think? I wish they didn't have to come down on payday. Eh? Suzuki?
Kiryuu Uh, yeah, sure...
Momo It's really bad for us. It'll be bad for business having these guys causing this much trouble on payday. And to top it all they're pissed. It really is a nuisance.

The camera spins round to the yakuza's table.

Senior Yakuza Why the fuck do we have to keep watch round here? I say we just run those Toujou clan assholes out of town.
Junior Yakuza Hey, you don't wanna go causing trouble with the guys at HQ.
Senior Yakuza 50/50 alliance, my ass. Those Toujou buttholes are arrogant thinking they are equal to us. HQ doesn't know what it's doing.
Junior Yakuza Damn right! Also, their chairman... his name is Daigo Doujima. Apparently he's only 36.
Senior Yakuza 36! He's younger than me!
Junior Yakuza He's just a kid from a rich family. It was in "Shukan Jitsuwa" magazine.
Senior Yakuza And we might end up being affiliated with this rich kid! For fuck's sake! I won't have it!

The Aniki Yakuza grabs a bottle which his timid hostess was just about to pick up and tries to pour into his glass.

Senior Yakuza Empty! You guys are useless. Hey! Where's our next bottle? Get a move on!
Waiter I'm here! Sorry to have kept you wai...
Senior Yakuza You took your damn time!
Waiter Please excuse me.

The camera switches back to Nakajima who has been knocking back the drinks himself.

Momo [To Nakajima] Sir?
Nakajima Now I'm mad. I'll kick them out of here!
Kiryuu [To Nakajima] Boss!?
Nakajima Don't worry. Leave this to me.
[To the Yamagasa men] Hey, hey! Will you guys shut the hell up!? Have some consideration for other customers trying to have a nice time.

Nakajima gets knocked spark out by the Senior Yakuza.

Senior Yakuza [At a prone Nakajima] Still have a problem with us now, you drunken fool!? Ha ha ha!

Kiryuu walks up in to the scene.

Senior Yakuza Huh!?
Kiryuu Low ranking members who attack respectable men... I guess the Yamagasa family didn't teach you right.
Senior Yakuza What did you say? Who the fuck are you?
Kiryuu Huh!, I see... So you don't know who I am?
Senior Yakuza How the hell are we supposed to know?
Kiryuu I see, that makes me feel a lot better. Right, bring it.
Senior Yakuza Don't you understand what you are playing at? We're already pissed off as it is. We're gonna take all our frustrations out on you! Time to die!

Cutscene translation by
Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

{{Battle Mode}}


石橋 Ishibashi and 三原 Mihara, 山笠組構成員 (Yamagasa Family men) 1,000 XP.

! When Kiryuu defeats one of the two men then a Tips screen appears informing him to use 反撃の極み "Essence of Counterattack". All this amounts to is a QTE. It doesn't even count as an ability.

Cut Scene: 後始末 "Remedial Measures"


Nakajima, who is still out cold, is being tended by Mayumi.


Kiryuu apologises to a manager at Club Olivier.

Kiryuu I'm sorry for all the trouble.
Manager No, I'm the one who should be apologising. I shouldn't really be saying this but, I'm glad you taught those Yamagasa members a lesson. I don't think we'll be seeing them round here again.
Kiryuu OK.

Nakajima regains consciousness.

Nakajima Uh!? What happened to those guys?
Kiryuu What are you saying? You took them down remember?
Nakajima What? Yes!
Kiryuu [To the Manager] We'll be heading off now.

Outside the club, Nakajima bids Kiryuu farewell.

Cutscene translation by
Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C

Adventure Mode



  • The next story marker is at 

! Outside the entrance to Kiryuu's apartment he bumps into a 顔立ちのいい青年 (Good Looking Young Man) who turns out to be 古牧宗介 (Sousuke Komaki) who is a  who will teach Kiryuu abilities. Sousuke takes Kiryuu to a building site.

{{Battle Mode}}


古牧宗介 Sousuke Komaki

! Check: 怒龍の気位 (Angry Dragon Spirit)

Memo: Learn 怒龍の気位 (Angry Dragon Spirit)

Press R2 to go into this rage mode to do extra damage with blows (口). X to Cancel Rage Mode.

Afterwards, Komaki shows Kiryuu a map with the location of this building site. Kiryuu needs to visit this area again if he wants to learn more abilities. See 

After the encounter with Komaki, Kiryuu is given the option:

  • まっすぐ家に帰る - Go straight home
  • ぶらぶらしてから帰る - Wander around a bit

! Kiryuu can complete some of the Club Sega  and , should he wish.

When Kiryuu goes to his apartment a cut scene explains the functions.

  • 寝る - Sleep
  • まだ寝ない - Don't sleep (Allows Kiryuu to enter Adventure Mode around Nagasu during the evening. He can enter a few establishments. If Kiryuu chooses to go out, then when he comes back he can interact with the bed to repeat this menu).

Cut Scene: ー日の終わり "The end of the day"


Kiryuu is in his apartment, in the dark, having a smoke, remembering the conversation with Daigo earlier.

Daigo I intend to keep walking down this road the best I can... Fourth Chairman.

The sound of the door to Kiryuu's apartment opens and shuts.

Female voice I'm home.

With shuttered camera angles we see a female take off her shoes and run to the cooker to turn off the boiling water.

Female voice For goodeness sake, you left the kettle boiling.

The woman turns on the light. The camera pans up so we only now see her face. It is Mayumi.

Mayumi I'm home.
Kiryuu Yes, welcome home.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo

End Chapter


Ryuu Ga Gotoku 5 - Part 1 第二章 招かれざる客 - Chapter 2 Uninvited Guest

Cut Scene: 目覚め "Waking"


Next Day.

Mayumi makes breakfast, Kiryuu wakes up. Mayumi notices Kiryuu has woken.

Mayumi Morning. It will be ready soon.

Cutscene translation by
Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Assisted Cut Scene


Mayumi and Kiryuu talk at the table.

Cut Scene: 日常の風景 "Everyday Scenario"


Kiryuu starts getting dressed.

Mayumi Will you be home late again today?
Kiryuu Yeah, I have the late shift. Go back to your own place today.
Mayumi What should I do? You're glad I came over though?
Kiryuu What are you talking about?

Mayumi trots up to Kiryuu who has been trying to do his tie.

Mayumi Your tie is all messed up... OK, that's better.

Kiryuu goes to the front door and puts on his shoes. He is about to leave to go to work when he looks at a framed photo that is turned facing the wall. Kiryuu looks at it with an intense look on his face.

Mayumi What's wrong?
Kiryuu Nothing. I'm heading out.
Mayumi Have a good day.

Kiryuu leaves for work.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Adventure Mode



  • New  become available
  • Random Battles have become available
  • Go to the Nagasu Taxi Office (NB When Kiryuu passes the office the mission hits)

Assisted Cut Scene

2 men come running up to Kiryuu at the gate of Nagasu Taxi's. チャラそうな男 (Flashy Man) and ガラの悪そうな男 (Ill Natured Man). They are soon joined by 永田 (Nagata). They are members of the 永洲デビルキラー (Nagasu Devil Killers).

Battle Mode:


デビルキラー永田 Devil Killer Nagata and his 2 underlings

Adventure Mode



  • Enter the Taxi Rank

Semi-assisted Cut Scene

When Kiryuu enters Nagasu Taxi office he talks with 中嶋 Nakajima.

Adventure Mode


  • Kiryuu needs to speak to 平川 (Mrs Hirakawa) on the front desk.

Assisted Cutscene


平川 (Mrs Hirakawa) gives Kiryuu a if he bought something good for the Tenjin Transportation Company President or  if he bought him something not so good in 

和田 (Mr Wada) approaches Kiryuu and soon 村松 (Muramatsu) is piping in. Nakajima suggests Wada gives Kiryuu driving lessons. This is the start of 

{{Tutorial Transportation Missions 和田さんを送り届けよ Escort Wada-san}} Difficulty *

See  for button commands.
A number of screen prompts will tell you about the commands for driving.

A list of traffic rules will appear like: don't run over pedestrians, use your indicators before turning, stop at lights etc.

During the mission Wada will ask 鈴木さん、この仕事には慣れた?: Are you getting used to the job?

  • まだ少し戸惑いが - Not yet I'm a little bewildered
  • はい、順調です - Yes I'm OK
  • 良好な接客 - I enjoy driving customers

Assisted Cutscene


When Kiryuu has Cleared the tutorial, 和田 (Wada-san) waves goodbye. Kiryuu is then approached by a 客 (Customer) who asks him to take him out of Nagasu. This is the introduction to Kiryuu's

During the ride the passenger will chitter chatter with Kiryuu and he'll have to answer some statements. There seems to be no consequence to these answers:

  • まあまあです - I'm so-so
  • 厳しいです - It's harsh?
  • なんでやねん - What!!?

Second question:

  • 水炊きですね - It's mizutaki
  • ライメンですね - It's ramen
  • たこ焼きやねん - Takoyaki

During the ride the car is rear ended. It's デビルキラー永田 Devil Killer Nagata being a doofus.

{{Tutorial Race Battles 乗客からの依頼 Passenger's Request}} against デビルキラー永田 Devil Killer Nagata

See for button commands.

Towards the end of the lap, HEAT Actions (△) and Turbo (X) are explained.

Assisted Cutscene


When Kiryuu wins the race he ends up at a truck stop where 永田 (Nagata) waves his fist at him and calls him an idiot and runs off. The customer shouts at the fleeing hoodlum.

The customer then takes Kiryuu to a restaurant for some sushi. They talk about the Nagasu Devil Killers, Race Battles and Kiryu's health goes up.

Afterwards, outside the restaurant, the customer tells Kiryuu his name, 古道 Kodou "Old Ways".

Kiryuu is transported back to Nakasu Taxis and talks to Nakajima and the other staff about Race Battles and the Devil Killers.

: Reward 1,000 XP


When Kiryuu passes Mrs Hirakawa 平川, she'll ask him to do a job:

  • 今すぐ行きます - Go right now
  • 後で行きます - Go later

Semi-assisted Cut Scene


When Kiryuu accepts, there is another 客 (Customer) who introduces himself as タツヤ {{Tatsuya Kawagoe}}. He is a real life celebrity chef in Japan and is part of the

Tatsuya takes Kiryuu to the 華味鳥 - Hana Midori restaurant. They talk about the food and Kiryuu is eventually introduced to 食事能力強化 (Enhance Meal Ability) which is explained further i


Cut Scene: 訪問者 "Visitors"


It is now evening and back at Nagasu Taxis, Kiryuu parks up, gets out his taxi and is immediately approached by 2 men. They are the two Toujou Clan men Aoyama told to follow Daigo (Aizawa and Morinaga).

Morinaga [To Kiryuu] You are Suzuki Taiichi, are you not?
We have something we would like to ask you. Can you spare is a moment?
Kiryuu Sorry, but I'm busy.
Morinaga But you have finished your shift, have you not?
Kiryuu Isn't it obvious!? Driving isn't my only work, I do other things aswell.
Morinaga This really won't take any time at all. So, could you spare us a moment... Kazuma Kiryuu?

Kiryuu turns around to Morinaga giving him an evil stare and notices the Toujou Clan badge on his lapel.

Morinaga This isn't a great place to talk. Let's go somewhere else.

Kiryuu puts his feather duster in the boot of the taxi, picks up his jacket and leaves with Morinaga and Aizawa following.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: 意外な報せ "Unexpected Notification"


Kiryuu goes to Ouse Bridge with the two men. Kiryuu is about to spark up when Morinaga offers him a light. Kiryuu gives a withering look.

Kiryuu What do you want?
Morinaga I imagine that you are already aware that we are Toujou Clan members. We came here to Fukuoka with Doujima. We were ordered by Aoyama, the head of the Aoyama family; general manager of the Toujou Clan; and secretary to the chairman, to escort Daigo. My name is Morinaga. This person here is Aizawa.
Kiryuu Enough of the introductions, what do you want?
Morinaga It's about the whereabouts of Doujima.
Kiryuu His whereabouts?
Morinaga Yes. Last night he met with Madarame, the head of the Yamagasa family to form an alliance. The negotiations went smoothly, but we don't know what became of the chairman after that. What we do know is Doujima went off on his own after the meeting concluded and got into a taxi. After that we followd in a car, but due to our lack of knowledge of Fukuoka we took a wrong turn and lost sight of the taxi he was in.
We enquired at the "District Land Transport Bureau" about the taxi and we learned it was one of the "Nagasu Taxis" fleet. We subsequently found out the driver of the taxi was called Suzuki Taiichi. However, we had no information that the chairman was aquainted with this man, Suzuki Taiichi. So, in order for us to meet this mysterious taxi driver, we awaited your return.
We had absolutely no idea why the chairman decided to travel in some taxi waiting in line... until now.
Who would have guessed that the taxi driver was Kazuma Kiryuu, the 4th chairman of the Toujou Clan. Frankly, I'm surprised by this.
Kiryuu You've got me confused with someone else.
Morinaga Kiryuu-san, do you know anything about the chairman's whereabouts?
Kiryuu I picked up a customer, I travelled down the freeway and dropped him off in Nagasugai. That's all I know.
Morinaga Is that the truth?
Kiryuu Yeah. So is that all you wanted to ask? I'll be heading off then.
Aizawa Are you fine with this, Kiryuu-san? You really don't care about abandoning chairman Doujima?
Kiryuu Abandon him?
Aizawa Yes. A huge decision for the Toujou Clan is imminent. It is why we are here in Fukuoka. The chairman disappearing at such a crucial time is a very serious matter. Has there been some kind of accident, or are we to assume the worst? How can you stay so damned calm in a situation like this? [Getting angry] Is it that easy for you to simply abandon him?
Morinaga Aizawa!
Aizawa I have only been with the Toujou Clan a short time and I have no idea what kind of man you are, but the chairman always said "the fourth chairman made the Toujou Clan what it is and I will protect it".
Morinaga Aizawa!
Aizawa There are members of the Yamagasa family who aren't taking too kindly to the Toujou Clan. They say the Yamagasa family and the Toujou Clan are in different leagues and that a 50/50 alliance between the two is an outrage, but to keep his promise to you, he was prepared to go through all this trouble. Please tell us fourth chairman, where was chairman Doujima heading to last night?

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 譲れない覚悟 "Not Yeilding"


Kiryuu I honestly don't know.

Kiryuu turns and starts to walk off, but Aizawa grabs his shoulder.

Aizawa Are you a man or a mouse? Doujima is your friend, right?
Morinaga Aizawa!
Aizawa You know something about it! Why are you stubbornly feigning ignorance?
Morinaga Aizawa!
Kiryuu Take your hand off me.

Aizawa keeps his hand on Kiryuu's shoulder.

Kiryuu I said, get off!

Kiryuu, knocks Aizawa to the ground.

Morinaga I understand. You're not Kazuma Kiryuu, but Taiichi Suzuki. That's what you are saying, right?
Kiryuu That's right!
Aizawa Aniki! (Senior yakuza)
Morinaga Fair enough. That simplifies things then. We are going to have to give you a beating.
Kiryuu What?
Morinaga If you say you are the Toujou Clan's fourth chairman, then regardless of the circumstances, we couldn't put our hands on you. However, if you insist on telling us you are simply a taxi driver, then that's a different story. We are going to beat the truth out of you?
Kiryuu You'd beat up an honest man?
Morinaga We are prepared to make that mistake. Right now we are racing againts time and don't have the luxury of paying lip service. We are yakuza. If it comes down to it we are more than prepared to use force.
Kiryuu Go ahead. If that's how it's going to be, then you leave me no choice.
Morinaga Prepare yourself... Here we go!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Battle Mode:


ボス戦:森永、相沢 Boss Battle: Morinaga and Aizawa

! TIP - Make use of the items around the area to level up certain weapons categories.

Cut Scene: 不干渉 "Abstaining"


Kiryuu turns to walk away from the two Tokyo yakuza that he's left on the floor.

Morinaga Please wait fourth chairman.
Kiryuu I've told you everything I know, that much is true. It is your job to decide what to do next.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}


Adventure Mode


  • Kiryuu should receive antelling him to meet he at the Ouse Bridge.
  • Kiryuu is now at Nagasu Bridge. The next story marker is at his apartment.
  • Several (6) new  have now opened up.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Kiryuu walks a little, he gets a phone call from Mrs Hirakawa 平川 asking about ゴミ拾い "Gomihiroi"

Adventure Mode


  • Kiryuu can now go back to the Hideout (Kiryuu's Apartment) on Ouse Bridge Street West.

In the Apartment hideout Kiryuu can choose to carry on with the story (Sleep) or not:

  • 寝る - Sleep
  • まだ寝ない - Don't sleep

End Chapter

Save Point





Ryuu Ga Gotoku 5 - Part 1 第三章 仕掛けられた絵図 - Chapter 3 Battle Plans

Cut scene: 愛ゆえに "For the Sake of Love"

Flashback: Sunshine Orphanage, 2011 初夏 Early Summer, 沖縄 Okinawa

Kiryuu leaves the orphanage with a travel bag. He walks to the beach where Haruka is sitting looking out to sea. He joins her. She looks older than in Yakuza 4.

Haruka So you're really going then?
Kiryuu Yeah.
Haruka Why? I chose to be with you.
Kiryuu You're a high school student next year; the year after Taichi and Kouji graduate from junior high school; you guys are getting to the age where you don't need someone looking after you. Besides, I'm not leaving for your sake. I'm tired of taking care of kids.
Haruka Liar. You're lying.
Kiryuu I'm not lying. I'm leaving here for my sake. It has nothing to do with you joining that agency.
Haruka I know there's more to it than that. I know you've been lying to us this whole time. It's about money, isn't it? Paku said she would give financial support to the orphanage on the condition you leave, didn't she? [ Pause ] Please forgive me, I understand that you are lying to us about it because you care about us, but I thought that you wouldn't lie to me.
Kiryuu Taichi says he's going to start work instead of going to high school. It's not just Taichi, it's the same with Ayako and Kouji. Even Shiro has been saying the same thing. They all say they are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the orphanage and wait for the day you are a success and return home.
Haruka Wait for me to return?
Kiryuu Yeah. You are their wish upon a star. You'll have success as a singer then return here. That is the happiness they dream of.
Haruka All of them?
Kiryuu Those kids are too young to make such sacrifices. I refuse to let them throw away their futures just because we don't have the money.
Haruka But, even so, I am sure they all still want to live with you. I know I do.
Kiryuu Thank you, but the time is right. I always knew the day would come when we would part... so I will leave here, because I love you and all the kids.
Haruka Uncle...

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut scene:


Back in Fukuoka, present day. Kiryuu's apartment.

Kiryuu goes to leave the apartment and looks at the overturned photo frame again.

Scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Adventure Mode


  • A new has opened up. To access it Kiryuu has to enter the apartment and answer the door when it knocks.
  • The main story objective is at Nagasu Taxis

Assisted Cutscene

Kiryuu enters the Taxi Office and talks to Mrs Hirakawa. She asks Kiryuu to do a job:

  • 行く - Go on
  • 断る - Refuse

A 極道風の男 (Yakuza Looking Man) and his friend ask Kiryuu to take them for a drive. In the car, the two men question Kiryuu. The answers don't seem to make any difference:

  • 分かりましな Didn't you understand?
  • 断る Refuse

More talk from the passengers and responses from Kiryuu:

  • ??につて?ねる - ???
  • 黙って先の話を聞く - Shut up and listen to the story

More talk from the passengers:

  • 大吾の話をする Talk about Daigo
  • 大吾の話をしない Don't talk about Daigo

Kiryuu returns to the Taxi Office and talks to Mrs Hirakawa again. She explains about 地域貢献レベル Area Contribution Level to

Adventure Mode


  • Kiryuu is in the Nagasu Taxi Office.

Assisted Cutscene

When Kiryuu leaves the Taxi Office he see's two men over the Chikuzen River. It's 相沢 Aizawa (large) and 森永 Morinaga (little). They are talking to one of the guys who was in the car, a 山笠組 Yamagasa Family Member. They have a talk about the Yamagasa Family then the guy walks off. Aizawa and Morinaga finish off their little chat and the camera pans back to Kiryuu.

Adventure Mode


  • Kiryuu is outside Nagasu Taxi Office. It is now evening. The next story marker is at Kiryuu's apartment.

Assisted Cutscene

When Kiryuu gets home Mayumi is there and welcomes him back. They chat.

Cut scene: 舞い込んだトラブル "Trouble Drops In"


Next day.

Kiryuu is smoking a cigarette whilst Mayumi is slicing and cooking onions. She looks towards the front door.

Mayumi Coming!
Kiryuu Don't go answering my door Mayumi, I'll do it.

She has already opened the door by this time and lets out a small yelp.

Kiryuu What's wrong?

Kiryuu runs to the door to see Aizawa dragging in a bloody Morinaga.

Aizawa Please help him Kiry... I mean Suzuki.
Kiryuu Why did you come here?
Aizawa I'll explain everything later, but before that can you please treat Morinaga?!
Morinaga I'm sorry, I told him not to cause any trouble for you but...

Morinaga collapses on the floor.

Aizawa Aniki [ Brother ]. Hang in there aniki!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cutscene

Kiryuu is walking by the river with Aizawa. It is now evening again. They stop and talk. Plenty about the Toujou clan.

Cutscene: 不審な行動 "Suspicious Behaviour"


Back at the apartment, Morinaga has a bandage on his head and is asleep, being looked over by Mayumi. She takes his jacket, puts it on a hanger and hangs it up. She looks round at Morinaga and see's he is still unconscious. She then checks the pockets of his jacket and finds a Toujou clan lapel badge.

Mayumi Toujou Clan!

Morinaga's eyes open when she says the clans name, but he closes them again.

Kiryuu and Aizawa suddenly enter and Mayumi hurriedly puts the badge back.

Mayumi Welcome home.
Kiryuu Thanks, Mayumi...
Mayumi Hmmm?
Kiryuu I'm sorry, but can you go to your place?
Mayumi But...

Mayumi indicates to the prone Morinaga as if to say he still needs looking after.

Kiryuu These guys are old friends of mine. We have a lot of catching up to do.

Mayumi looks at Kiryuu forlornly, but doesn't speak.

Kiryuu Please.
Mayumi I understand.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cutscene

Morinaga is awake. He, Kiryuu and Aizawa are sat in the apartment talking. After a while there is a phonecall for Morinaga. Aizawa gets his phone and gives it to him. There is a heated diiscussion between Aizawa and Morinaga after the phonecall.

Cutscene: 察知 "A Sense"


Morinaga and Aizawa exit the apartment.

Morinaga Thank you for all your help fourth chairman.
Kiryuu I'm sorry I can't be of more use.
Morinaga Don't worry about it. Just knowing you haven't abandoned Chairman Doujima is good enough for me.
Kiryuu Be careful.
Morinaga We will. Farewell.

Kiryuu is about to close the door to his apartment when Morinaga remembers...

Morinaga Oh yes... there is something I should tell you.
Kiryuu What is it?
Morinaga The woman Mayumi, she... knows who you are. Farewell.

Kiryuu goes into the flat, closes the door and leans back against the door and sighs.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Adventure Mode

このまま休みますか Go to sleep:

  • はい Yes
  • いいえ No

Choosing "Yes" will carry the story mode forward. "No" will allow you to do any extra-curricular activities you may want to do. Even though Kiryuu has had a snooze, it will still be evening after he sleeps!

  • After Kiryuu has rested and when he leaves his apartment he will be forced into the 
  • When the substory is complete, a marker on the map appears opposite Kiryuu's apartment. This is for another returning character, Renji Kamiyama and should really be done. See 
  • The next story marker is at Nagasu Taxis. On entering, Kiryuu will talk to Mrs Hirakawa who says he has to find President Nakajima.

! On exiting Nagasu Taxi's Kiryuu will wonder about 

  • The next story marker is in the alleyway halfway down 逢瀬橋 通り 東 - Ouse Bridge Street East.

! Outside Nagasu Taxi's was a Devil Killer

Battle Mode

デビルキラー (Devil Killer)

Cut Scene: 待ち伏せ "Ambush"


When Kiryuu enters the alleyway there is a guy stood smoking. It is the same guy who was at the soba and udon restaurant in the cutscene in the first chapter. He approaches Kiryuu

Mystery Man You're Suzuki from Nagasu Taxis right?
Kiryuu Who are you?

The man flashes Kiryuu a badge.

Mystery Man See for yourself.

His badge reveals he is a cop, 芹沢和彦 (Serizawa Kazuhiko).

Kiryuu Oosaka Police Force?
Serizawa I follow any incidents involving the yakuza. Word is out that Toujou Clan chairman Doujima went missing last night here in Fukuoka.
Kiryuu So I heard.
Serizawa Do you happen to know where he was going? We have eyewitness account that he got into your cab just before he disappeared.
Kiryuu I don't know what you mean.
Serizawa The guy you dropped off at the bridge.
Kiryuu Oh, that guy, there's nothing to it. I just dropped off a customer as usual. Where they go after is none of my business.

Kiryuu goes to walk away when the cop grabs him round the throat.

Serizawa That's not true though, is it? He's an old friend of yours. Eh, Kiryuu?... Don't underestimate the police. Okay? I don't know why you came to Fukuoka, but I always know exactly where you are.

The cop let's go of Kiryuu.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: 刑事からの情報 "Detective Intelligence"


Kiryuu and Serizawa are still in the alleyway.

Kiryuu So what about you? What's an Oosakan detective doing in Fukuoka?
Serizawa Right now, in Nagasugai, Watase, a young leading member of the Omi Alliance is here.
Kiryuu What? Why would they come down to Fukuoka?
Serizawa They say the chairman of the Omi Alliance is critically ill. Are you aware of that?
Kiryuu Yeah, I'd heard.
Serizawa If the chairman dies then so does the alliance between the Omi and the Toujou Clan. There could end up being a war between the two, so the Toujou Clan are frantically rushing around the country. Doujima himself came down to negotiate in Fukuoka. Watase came here to prevent that from happening.
Kiryuu Prevent, you say? So do the Omi want to form an alliance here before the Toujou Clan does?
Serizawa Who knows? All I've heard is they want to prevent the Toujou Clan from forming that alliance. You'd have to ask them to know for sure. Of course their true intention may be to destroy the Yamagasa Family. That's why, right now, Nagasugai is becoming an extremely dangerous, important and attention grabbing place in the Japanese underworld. Naturally the Toujou Clan are bound to know about Watase coming to Fukuoka.
Kiryuu I see... Wait, so the ones who abducted Daigo are...
Serizawa The Omi men. It's only natural to come to that conclusion. With Daigo Doujima gone, the alliance negotiations cannot continue. Even if someone were to stand in for the chairman, without Daigo present, could negotiations really proceed smoothly?
Kiryuu So... you came here to tell me that?
Serizawa Don't get ahead of yourself. Time for the real issue at hand. The Toujou Clan had a couple of guys to act as escort for Doujima, right? I believe their names are Morinaga and Aizawa.
Kiryuu What about them?
Serizawa I want you to stop them from making a move.
Kiryuu What?
Serizawa If Watase and his men did abduct Daigo Doujima, those two guys will be planning an attack on them. If that happens, then the Omi Alliance will use that as an excuse to launch a full scale war against the Toujou Clan.
Kiryuu That would start the war?
Serizawa That's why I want you to speak to Watase before those guys get to him.
Kiryuu Why me? I am no longer with the Toujou Clan, no longer a yakuza.
Serizawa Yes, and that works in our favour. You can act as an intermediary for this. You're the only one who is not attached to any yakuza group, yet is well known in the underworld and is familiar with how the yakuza work. In short, you're the best man for the job. Besides, I hear you're a real tough guy.
Kiryuu Shouldn't the police do something?
Serizawa You twat! You want us to arrest one of the top guys in the Omi Alliance?! Who knows what would happen if we did that. It's best if we bring things to an end peacefully, with no unneccesary complications.
Kiryuu What are your intentions?
Serizawa If the Oosaka Police Force get one over on the Toukyou Police Department and bring this issue to an end, then we won't have to be committed to them any longer. You know about this, don't you? Some time ago, because a certain yakuza got friendly with a female Oosaka police detective, the Fourth Division of the Oosaka Police couldn't openly make a move. This time round, the Oosaka Police need to establish themselves as the main anti-yakuza force.
Kiryuu I see... so regardless of the reason, it concludes with your interests?
Serizawa Well, what do you say? Will you do it?
Kiryuu Where's Watase right now?
Serizawa He's at a club drinking with some high ranking members of his organisation. I believe the place is called "Oliver".
Kiryuu He's at "Oliver"?
Serizawa You know the place?
Kiryuu Hn.
Serizawa That makes things all the more convenient. For this, no matter how violent you get, you won't lose your hard earned respectable job. I'm counting on you... Later.

As Kiryuu walks back out the alleyway he is approached by {{Nakajima}}.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}


Adventure Mode


  • Objective: Go to Club Olivier. The next story marker is there.
  • When Kiryuu approaches the club, a ボーイ(Doorman) welcomes him and asks him if he wants to enter by himself:
    • Hai - Yes (Choose)
    • Iie - No

Assisted Cut Scene:


Kiryuu walks up to the table of Omi Alliance Watase Family men.

Cut Scene: 近江最強の男 "Omi's Top Man"

Club Olivier. Internal.


{{Masaru Watase|Watase Masaru 渡瀬組}} enters with a hostess.

Watase Man, all I did is drink some sake and I get stomach pains. I'm done for.

The hostess passes him his sunglasses which he puts on. Watase and the hostess walk obliviously passed Kiryuu and sit down.

Watase Now then, let's have another. [ Sake ]
2nd in command Boss, a taxi driver is here to see you.
Watase Huh?! I haven't called for a taxi yet! Quit talking nonsense.
2nd in command This guy doesn't seem to be any ordinary taxi driver.
Watase Huh?!

Watase and the 2nd in command turn towards Kiryuu. Watase lowers his sunglasses.

Watase Uh!? What a strange taxi driver. A face that I myself have great respect for... the legendary man himself. The former fourth chairman of the Toujou Clan, Kiryuu Kazuma.

Everyone sat at the table turns to look at Kiryuu (hostesses included).

Watase How rude of me, I haven't introduced myself. I am leading subordinate under the seventh chairman of the Omi Alliance. I am Watase Masaru, head of the Watase Family, pleased to meet you.

Title: Leading subordinate of the Omi Alliance. Head of the Watase Family. Watase Masaru


Kiryuu So you're Watase?

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 院試し "Entrance Examination"


Watase stands up and indicates to all the hostesses that were sat at his tables to leave. Once they have vacated, he sits back down again.

Watase Wow, I can't believe it. I never imagined you would come to see me.
Kiryuu What do you mean?
Watase It goes without saying, doesn't it? The reason we came all the way down here to Fukuoka was to see you Kiryuu!
Kiryuu What a load of crap. Tell me now, where is Daigo?
Watase Huh!? Where is he? You should get hold of someone from the Toujou Clan and ask them.
Kiryuu Don't play dumb with me. You guys abducted Daigo, didn't you? To prevent the alliance between the Toujou Clan and the Yamagasa Family.
Watase You're saying the whereabouts of the chairman are unknown? I heard the rumours... so it's true then?
Kiryuu Chah! You're taking this acting dumb thing too far. I did not come here to play around.
Watase Ha! I see. Everything is coming clear to me now. You're here because of the Daigo issue, right? You think we abducted him.
Kiryuu You have enough incentive to do so.
Watase It feels like nothing I say will convince you otherwise.
Kiryuu Of course not.
Watase Ha! I like that look in your eyes. Though you've been living undercover for some time, I can see it in you. I see the dragon on your back shining through your eyes.
Kiryuu Enough talk. Let's do this.

Watase raises his hand and his 6 men all stand up. They start circling Kiryuu, weighing him up. Fisticuffs time.

Watase Let's test your ability. Let's see if the Dragon of Doujima is the real deal. Don't hold back guys! Fight him like you want to kill him!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Battle Mode

Watase Family Members 渡瀬組構成員 x 6 (730 XP)

Cut Scene: 渡瀬の歓待 "Watase's Warm Reception"


The six Watase Family men are strewn across the floor. Kiryuu is a bit out of breath. Watase slow hand claps Kiryuu.

Watase Impressive. You easily dispatched a whole group of skilled fighters. You haven't lost your touch.
Kiryuu Now it's time to tell the truth.
Watase [ Picking up a menu. ] Well, about what?
Kiryuu Enough playing around. Where is Daigo? If you call yourself a yakuza, then man up and confess.
Watase [ In a blasé tone ] How frightening, you don't have to get so angry. There's plenty of time... Ah lets have this one. Hey, you over there, bring me your most expensive sake. Come, Kiryuu, let me treat you to a drink.

Kiryuu eyes Watase suspiciously and walks towards the table.

Watase What's wrong? Please take a seat.

The waiter brings a bottle.

Waiter Sorry to have kept you waiting. Is this one alright.
Watase That's your most expensive sake, is it?
Waiter Yes! It is?!
Watase Then give it here! Now I can finally have my long awaited drink with you. It has to be quality sake like this otherwise I'd look bad.

Watase opens the bottle and takes a swig.

Watase Here you go Kiryuu.

Watase holds the bottle outwards, but instead of taking it, Kiryuu smashes it. Watase drops the remaining bottle neck that was left in his hand.

Watase Now that was just rude!
Kiryuu I drink alone. Sorry, but I hate drinking with other people.
Watase Is that so? That's not what I heard.
Kiryuu What did you hear?
Watase It was 3 days ago I think, I heard you were here drinking with your boss.
Kiryuu Hn!?
Watase So I assumed that you'd drink with me if we were at this club. I'm disappointed.
Kiryuu Wait a minute?! Where did you hear that?
Watase My friend from another clan... Toujou Clan general manager and secretary to the chairman, {{Minoru Aoyama|青山稔 Aoyama Minoru}}.
Kiryuu Aoyama you say?
Watase Aoyama is Daigo's secretary. Meaning everything the chairman knows, Aoyama knows too. Of course, Aoyama knows about you being here in Nagasugai. Aoyama has been keeping an eye on you from the start. In case you made any moves. You want to hear more, don't you? Then please take a seat.

Kiryuu does sit down this time.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene:

Kiryuu and Watase talk. A lot.

Cut Scene: ニつの道 "A Two Way Street"


Eventually Kiryuu gets pissed and knocks over the table. Kiryuu stands up.

Watase What's the matter? I haven't finished talking.

Kiryuu grabs Watase by the tie and pulls him up so they are face to face.

Watase What do you think you are doing, Kiryuu?
Kiryuu I understand what you are saying. In order to get me to return to the Toujou Clan, you abducted Daigo, right?
Watase Ha! You think you understand? You understand nothing.

Watase knocks the hand that Kiryuu had on his tie, away. He grabs Kiryuu's wrist and so begins a wrist-wrestling battle!

Watase I don't give a crap whether or not Daigo is around. The only issue for me is that you are here. If Doujima dies now, the Toujou Clan is finished. We'd be fighting an enemy on the verge of death. You call that a fight?! You call that being a yakuza?!

Kiryuu and Watase both swing their locked hands so they are now free of each other. Kiryuu leans towards Watase, but Watase puts a hand on Kiryuu's shoulder keeping him at bay.

Watase [ Shouting ] Fighting is everything to me. I am not like those fools who sit around counting money. I became a yakuza so I could fight with tough guys. [ Pleading ] That's why the Toujou Clan has to become strong.

Watase in his plea, holds both of Kiryuu's arms.

Watase If Doujima dies now, the Omi Alliance could destroy the Toujou Clan even without me. I don't want to see the Toujou Clan like that!
Kiryuu Watase!
Watase I know it, deep down, you too are always longing for a fight.

Watase and Kiryuu now stand apart. There is a short pause whilst Kiryuu ponders Watase's pop psychology.

Watase Stop pretending to be someone you're not Kiryuu. Once a yakuza, always a yakuza. You just look bored out of your mind to me.

Kiryuu again ponders Watase's plea.

Watase Please return to the Toujou Clan. Then you can look forward to having a proper fight with me.

Kiryuu turns and begins to walk away.

Watase What's wrong? You leaving already?
Kiryuu Don't get the wrong idea.
Watase Huh!?
Kiryuu You and I are different. Your way, is the way of death. And mine... is the way of life.
Watase What do you mean?
Kiryuu Although it's the same path, to fight facing death and fighting to live are different things. You'll understand that one day.
Watase Oh! I look forward to it.

Kiryuu walks off. Watase watches as Kiryuu leaves Club Olivier and smirks.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene:

When Kiryuu leaves the club Aizawa and Morinaga run up and talk to him:

  • すぐ話す - Talk now
  • 少し待ってもらう - Wait a little while before accepting.

! It is probably a good point to stop here if you need health and weapons. It's about to kick off big style. If you do decide to tool up, Aizawa and Morinaga wait outside Club Olivier for Kiryuu to return. If Kiryuu does go away and come back the options change to:

  • 話す - Talk
  • 待ってもらう - Not yet

Assisted Cut Scene:


Kiryuu drives Aizawa and Morinaga out of Nagasugai to the Yamagasagumi headquarters. They talk on the way.

When Kiryuu gets out the taxi he speaks to a 守衞 (Guard) who soon runs off. Kiryuu, Morinaga and Aizawa enter the 山笠組本部 Yamagasagumi headquarters.

Battle Mode


山笠組 Yamagasagumi members

! Kiryuu, Morinaga and Aizawa need to make their way up on to the second floor.

After entering a door on the top floor Kiryuu, Aizawa and Morinaga hear a gun shot.

Assisted Cut Scene:

When they get to the room on the top floor they find Madarame unconscious on the floor with another man holding a bloody knife to him and Toujou Clan {{Minoru Aoyama|青山 Aoyama}} who has a case full of money.

Cut Scene: 裏切り "Betrayal"


Morinaga stands in front of Aizawa and Kiryuu.

Morinaga Aoyama sir. So you are the one who abducted chairman Doujima?

Morinaga pulls out a pistol from inside his suit and points it at Aoyama.

Aoyama What are you doing? Lower your gun.
Morinaga Answer me!
Aoyama Do you understand what you are doing? I am the caretaker chairman. So I am temporarily the top man in the Toujou Clan. Yet you are going to shoot me?
Morinaga [ Cocking the gun ] That depends on your answer.

Aoyama reaches towards his breast pocket. Morinaga closes his eyes, screams and shoots, 5 times.

Morinaga opens his eyes to see that Aoyama has a handkerchief in his hands. Aoyama appears to be unscathed.

Aoyama Hmmph!
Aizawa Aniki, what's going on?
Aoyama Hmmph! It's loaded with blanks. I loaded that gun with blanks before giving it to you. There's no way I'd give punks like you a gun with live ammunition.

Whilst saying this, Aoyama has walked over to Madarame's prone body, where a gun lies on the floor. He bends down to pick it up.

Aoyama For instance, if you messed up and shot someone innocent, you'd start a war with the government.
Morinaga Ehhh!
Aoyama I am strict when it comes to misconduct by my men. You know this, don't you Morinaga?

Aoyama has moved round in front of Morinaga and now points the gun at him.

Morinaga Boss.
Aoyama Thanks for your efforts.

Aoyama now shoots Morinaga 5 times.

Aizawa Aniki!... Aniki! Aniki!
Kiryuu Morinaga!... Damn you Aoyama!
Aoyama Please stay out of this fourth chairman. This is nothing more than an issue with my henchmen. Just a part of Toujou Clan discipline.
Kiryuu Why you...!

Aoyama puts both his hands up and drops the gun and gives a knowing smirk. Aoyama kicks the gun towards where Kiryuu is standing and Morinaga is lay.

Aoyama You have my gratitude. Thanks to you coming here, I can now get out of here safely.
Kiryuu What are you talking about?

There is the sound of pounding against the door. Aoyama smirks again and falls to the floor. Aoyama's henchman stabs the prone Madarame in the neck just before members of the Yamagasa Family barge in.

Yahata What's going on in here? What's this?!
Aoyama Yahata... [ pointing at Kiryuu and co. ] those guys attacked Madarame.
Yahata What!? Boss! Boss! Hurry, call an ambulance. We've got to get him to a hospital.

Aoyama smirks evily at the proceedings which he planned. Kiryuu looks at him in distain and grunts.

Madarame is dragged out of the room by Yahata's men whilst a feigning Aoyama is dragged out by his henchman. Aoyama manages to turn and give one last smug grin.

Yahata [ To Kiryuu ] You... Who the hell are you?
Kiryuu Looks like there is no point in trying to explain things. Aizawa!
Aizawa Yes!
Kiryuu You get Morinaga out of here. I'll stay behind.
Aizawa But!
Kiryuu Go now! Do not let him die!
Aizawa Okay!

Aizawa aids Morinaga out of the room so only Yahata 八幡 and Kiryuu remain.

Yahata You're the bastard that attacked Madarame?
Kiryuu No, is what I'd like to say, but I doubt I'll be able to convince you.
Yahata Enough of your crap. I'm gonna make you pay. Time to die!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Battle Mode

八幡 (やはた) Yahata (3.000 XP)

Adventure Mode / Battle Mode


  • Kiryuu is left outside the Yamagasa Family chairmans room and has to make his way down stairs again.On the way down to the first floor there is a HEAT action specifically for the huge Daruma doll. Build up Kiryuu's HEAT and stand near it to get the Goku to appear.
  • A bit further down and round the passageway a big festival float is hinted at for a second special HEAT Action

Battle Mode


本多 Honda and Yamagasa members

Adventure Mode


  • Kiryuu needs to open the front door on the ground floor.

Cut Scene: 野望の狼煙 "Treacherous Skyrocket"


Kiryuu barges through the front doors and comes to a halt. Aoyama is smugly leant against a stretch limo.

Kiryuu Aoyama!
Aoyama I'm impressed fourth chairman. Looks like I can't get away from this situation. I guess I'll have to do this...

Aoyama holds up a detonator.

Kiryuu What do you think you are doing?
Aoyama You should thank me. Doing this will destroy any traces of your fight with the Yamagasa Family. You won't get arrested and you can continue working as a taxi driver.

A close up of Aoyama holding the detonator and then the beeping of the reciever on a bomb.

Kiryuu Aoyama, Damn you!

Kiryuu realising what Aoyama is about to do starts to run. Behind him a massive explosion bursts from the building knocking Kiryuu into the air. Kiryuu manages to roll and shield himself from the debris being scattered around. After the main blasts have subsided, Kiryuu stands and turns to where Aoyama was.

Kiryuu Aoyama!

Aoyama is in the limo peering out the window like a goon. Kiryuu watches it leaving.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

End Chapter


Ryuu Ga Gotoku 5 - Part 1 第四章 男の行く先 - Chapter 4 Where's that man? 

Cut scene: 届かぬ想い "Unfulfilled Desire"

Next Morning.

Kiryuu returns to his apartment. When he enters, Mayumi is stood just wearing a babydoll.

Kiryuu Mayumi...what's wrong?

Mayumi knocks the straps off both her shoulders. Her baby doll falls off and she goes to hug Kiryuu. She wants sexy-time!

Mayumi We've been together for half a yeat now and never done this. It's OK to do it once a while.

Kiryuu's not having any of it though and picks up a shirt and puts it round her. He sits on the bed as Mayumi just stands there.

Kiryuu Who are you working for? The other day when I was drinking with Nakajima in the club, someone in the Toujou Clan knew about it. Those two guys from the Yamagasa family were there, as were several other girls and staff, but there was noone who knew who I am. It's you isn't it? You're the one giving the Toujou Clan updates on what I'm doing!

Kiryuu goes to leave the apartment but Mayumi calls after him.

Mayumi Wait! There's someone I want you to meet... Kiryuu Kazuma.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut scene: 博多を統べる男 "The Man who Rules Hakata"

Hakata Hospital.

Mayumi I've brought him.

Mayumi leads Kiryuu into the hospital room...

Kiryuu It's you... Madarame of the Yamagasa Family.

!Note: Hakata is the ward in the region of Fukuoka where the fictional Nagasu district is located.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene

Kiryuu and Madarame talk by his bedside.

Assisted Cut Scene

Motorway. 4 days previous. Madarame and Daigo are in a car. They talk.

Cut scene: 親の情 "Paternal Advice"

Back to present day in the hospital.

Madarame Doujima has not been abducted, he hid himself... so he could escape Fukuoka.
Kiryuu Why did he have to hide?
Madarame Due to being targeted for assasination, he had no other options. When he disappeared after his meeting with me, everyone thought the Yamagasa family was behind it. Doujima took advantage of the situation to sneak out of town.
Kiryuu So Daigo is in Toukyou?
Madarame No, he said there was something he had to find out before returning to Toukyou. To do that he needed to disappear for a while.
Kiryuu He has to find out something? You mean who the traitor is?
Madarame Judging from the situation that day, I'm sure Doujima already suspected Aoyama. Which basically means...
Kiryuu The real traitor is someone else?

Madarame leans forward and grunts in pain. Mayumi goes to tend to him.

Mayumi Are you okay?
Madarame Kiryuu, there is something for which I must apologise... The one who made this woman get close to you and leak information about you back to the Toujou Clan, was me.
Kiryuu It was you?
Madarame Doujima asked me to. He wanted to watch over you so that you can continue living here while concealing your identity.
Kiryuu Daigo did?
Madarame It seems Chairman Doujima got hold of information that you are here in Fukuoka. He also knew that you were concealing your identity, so he went out of his way to come down here to see me and bow his head, that you may live a peaceful life here and not get mixed up in any trouble.
Kiryuu He did that?
Madarame The man standing at the top of Kantou's greatest organisation would bow his head to the much smaller Yamagasa Family. I'm sure you understand how far he's willing to go. Thereafter, I did what Doujima asked of me and reported back to the Toujou Clan all the information I got from Mayumi.
Kiryuu What's your relation with Mayumi?
Madarame We're family. Mayumi is my daughter.
Kiryuu She's your daughter?
Madarame The information about you being in Fukuoka is extremely top secret. We told only the most trustworthy people. This is why I entrusted my own daughter Mayumi to be the one to watch over you.
Ho, ho! However, had I known what kind of person Kazuma Kiryuu is from the start, I would not have sent my own daughter to get close to you.
Kiryuu Why?
Madarame Because I would have known she would fall in love with you.

Mayumi turns away from Kiryuu in embarassment.

Madarame I'm a parent, I don't want to see my daughter suffer through unrequited love.

Mayumi picks up a letter from the bedstand and hands it to her father.

Madarame Kiryuusan, take this.

Madarame holds the letter out respectfully and Kiryuu walks round the bed and takes it from Madarame. Kiryuu opens the letter there and is shocked by what he see's.

Kiryuu What's this?
Madarame The Yamagasa Family disbandment declaration. Would you please hand this over to the police?
Kiryuu Why? Why are you dissolving?
Madarame We've grown too big, it's no longer possible to support everyone in such a small territory. The Yamagasa were originally a small organisation, but I brought in too many members. Now that such a critical situation has transpired on a group the size of the Toujou Clan, all I can do is try and ensure my men can carry on in this world.
Kiryuu Madarame...
Madarame If we disband then we will no longer be yakuza. If we surrender our territory, the Toujou Clan and Omi Alliance will have no reason to go after my men. This is my best option.
Kiryuu If you are prepared to disband the group, isn't it your duty to explain this to your men personally?
Madarame As soon as a man from Kyuushuu loses his temper, no matter what I tell them, they won't listen and will try and fight the Toujou Clan.
Having the police handle things quickly is the best option. If we disband, the group will essentially fall under the control of the police. Neither the Toujou Clan or Omi Alliance could touch them.
Kiryuu But why me?
Madarame At first I thought my men deserved an explanation, but now I'm in this condition I cannot even have a discussion with them without a war breaking out with the Toujou Clan. Besides, if you show Yahata the disbandment notice, I don't think even you could stop him from declaring war with the Toujou.
Kiryuu That guy?
Madarame You fought with him last night. He is not good with figures. He is a man who fights with someone once to understand what kind of person they are. Well, you could say he's a blessing in disguise. I wish the two of you could have fought before things came to this.
I realise this is a selfish request, but it is the request of an old fool. Won't you grant my wish?

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Cut scene: 心のよすが "Memento of the Heart"

Kiryuu goes to leave the room.

Mayumi Kiryuusan... I will spend the rest of my life making up for deceiving you.
So how about it? Won't you grant my father's request?
Kiryuu Mayumi... I am not the great man you think I am.
Mayumi Eh?!
Kiryuu Me, your father and Aoyama all have the same roots... we are yakuza.
However, although yakuza will always be yakuza, we are not all the same. I am not a great man, but I am not bad enough to ignore a man's request.
Mayumi Ah... Kiryuusan...
Kiryuu Let me keep hold of this.

Kiryuu holds the letter out in front of him for emphasis.

Madarame Eh!? But...
Kiryuu I don't mind taking care of that poorly raised kid. If you really want to leave this with me then let me take care of things my way, no questions asked.
Madarame Kiryuusan...
Kiryuu I was never alone, after all. I couldn't be alone. Regardless of the reason, I had a great woman keeping me company. I am grateful.
I will not allow Aoyama to do as he pleases, I can promise you that much.
So then...

Kiryuu leaves the room.

Madarame I'm sorry Mayumi.
It wouldn't hurt to chase after him. If you do so, I will be able to accept my fate.

Mayumi falls to her knees by her father, Madarame's bedside, crying.

Madarame Mayumi...
Mayumi Don't say any more. You're going to pull through.
Please... father!

Kiryuu walks along 大名橋 - Daimyo Bridge.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Adventure Mode

  • There are 3
  • Objective: Find Yahata. There is no story marker available.
  • On Nagasu Main Street near 博多荘 Hakata Manor are a group of Yahata's men who are initially identified as 山笠組 Yamagasa Family members. Kiryuu needs to interact with them (X) to intiate the assisted cut scene.

Battle Mode

八幡の部下 (Yahata's Subordinates) x 3 (700 XP)

  • At the crossroads of 筑前川 通り  - Chikuzen River Street and 筑前川 通り南 - Chikuzen River Street South are a bunch of 八幡の部下 (Yahata's Subordinates). Kiryuu needs to interact with them (X) to intiate the assisted cut scene.

Battle Mode

八幡の部下 (Yahata Subordinates) x 3 (1,400 XP)

  • At the corner of 筑前川 通り南 - Chikuzen River Street South and 福博通り東 - Fukuhaku Street East is a 八幡の童男 (Young Yahata Man). Kiryuu needs to interact with him (X) to intiate the assisted cut scene.

Battle Mode

八幡の舎弟 (Yahata's "Younger Brother") (300 XP)

Chase Battle

小林 Kobayashi

! remember: 口 to barge; △ to kick and ◯ to throw things once picked up.

Assisted Cut Scene

Kiryuu talks to 八幡の舎弟 (Yahata's Younger Brother)

Adventure Mode

  • The next story marker is at the building on the bend of 鈴懸小路 - Suzukake Pathway (西尾 ビルデ Nishio Building).

Assisted Cut Scene

Kiryuu talks to the アジト見張り (Hideout Lookout) and then enters. The Lookout swears and then rings someone about it (presumably Yahata).

Adventure Mode

  • Kiryuu is inside the 八幡のアジト Yahata Hideout. He needs to go up to 2F.

Battle Mode

Kiryuu is dragged into a room with about 8 of Yahata's men

Battle Mode

To the north of 2F is another group of 5 men
  • When Kiryuu goes through the gap in the wall a QTE occurs with a man with a sledgehammer.

Battle Mode

岡田 Sonoda (with sledgehammer)

! Tips on EX-HARD: Kicks and Throws.

  • Kick through the door in the south east ◯.
  • Go up to 3F.

Battle Mode

  • Go up to 4F.

Battle Mode

  • Kick through the door.

Battle Mode

When Kiryuu goes to beat the final man he falls over knocking over a heater. He looks over to a door and runs over to it. Whilst fleeing he knocks over a cannister of gas which moves towards a heater and sets alight. An extinguisher falls near Kiryuu's feet. A Hint!
  • Use △ with the fire extinguisher.
  • Knock down the door with ◯.

When Kiryuu enters the room 3 of Yahata's men enter behind him with fire extinguishers.

NB a unique HEAT move is available here 消化器は△で噴射することができる

Battle Mode

: 3 men with extinguishers
  • Go up to 5F.

Battle Mode

: 小笠原 Ogasawara (pipe) and 2 other men
  • Go through the door in the south west.

Cut Scene: 一発勝負 "Make or Break"

Kiryuu opens a door ot a room to find 4 Yahata Family men.

Yahata Goon 1 It's you! From yesterday.

Three of them pull out pieces.

Yahata That's enough!
Yahata Goon 1 But boss, this guy...
Yahata I said that's enough!

The three Yahata men put their weapons down and Yahata stands up and walks towards Kiryuu.

Yahata What do you want?

Kiryuu hands Yahata the Yamagasa Family disbandment letter that Madarame gave him.

Yahata What's this?
Kiryuu Madarame gave it to me. It's the Yamagasa Family disbandment declaration.

Yahata gingerly takes the letter and reads it.

Yahata Ha! I see. So this is what he decided to do?
Kiryuu He wants to avoid a fight between you guys and the Toujou Clan. So he wrote that and gave it to me.
Yahata Ha! Is that so?

Yahata gives the letter back to Kiryuu.

Kiryuu So, you're not going to tear it up?
Yahata We only came into this world to carry Madarame on our shoulders. We don't care what becomes of the Yamagasa Family itself. We will avenge the boss. That's all we can do now.
Kiryuu And you think the enemy is standing right before your eyes?
Yahata Ha! Even I'm not that stupid. It was Aoyama from the Toujou Clan who attacked Madarame. I realised that when the headquarters got blown up. You're not the kind of guy who would use such underhanded methods.
Kiryuu So even is it means the end of the Yamagasa Family, you're saying you'll still get revenge on Aoyama?
Yahata Too right! We don't care about our territory or anything else. We're just doing the duty of a yakuza.
Kiryuu I see.

Kiryuu rips up the letter and drops the pieces in front of Yahata. Yahata is pissed.

Yahata What are you playing at?
Kiryuu I will not allow the Yamagasa Family to disband. I have a job for you to do.
Yahata A job!?
Kiryuu I knew it when I came here that Nagasugai is very similar to Kamurochou. For better or worse the Yamagasa Family preserves the balance here. If the Yamagasa Family is gone and other families fight over territory, business will dry up for sure.
Yahata What do you mean, business?
Kiryuu I may not look it, but I am a taxi driver. That's why it is bad for me if the Yamagasa Family disbands. To ensure this place returns to normal, I need you to do a job for me.
Yahata Huh!? What the hell are you talking about? You're here to mess with us even more than you already have. We'll kill you!
Kiryuu I like your spirit, but that alone is not enough. If you guys were to fight the Toujou Clan right now, you would all end up dead.
Yahata Say that again!
Kiryuu Nevertheless, I will not stop you from killing Aoyama. However, before that, let's see if you can beat me.
Yahata Huh!? What you on about?
Kiryuu One punch. I'll beat you with one punch.
Yahata You may have beaten me before but I've never lost to the same guy twice. Even if someone beats me once, I always kick their ass the second time round.
Kiryuu I'm not interested in your childish logic. Just bring it on.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Battle Mode

八幡 Yahata

! This is a QTE battle not a normal battle.

Assisted Cut Scene

Kiryuu and Yahata talk some more.

Cut Scene: 宣戦布告 "Proclamation of a Declaration of War"


Aoyama is in the back seat of a limo. He is spoken to by a big faced Toujou Clan man (Ookikao).

Ookikao Yahata from the Yamagasa Family is calling you.
Aoyama Yahata you say?...
Ookikao Shall I hang up on him?
Aoyama Does he want to make a deal?

Ookikao hands the phone to Aoyama.

Aoyama Aoyama speaking...
...The Toujou Clan has no interest in making a deal with you...
...Let's have an all out war then...
...You say that's OK with you?...
...What do you mean?...
Yahata I'm saying let's have a war then! We need to pay you back in full for what you did to Madarame...
...Yeah, that's right. Let's settle this with one big fight. How about tomorrow night, Hakata Pier in front of warehouse 27...
...That's alright...
...You just wait and see. We'll show you! You're in for a real beating!

Yahata slams down the phone and the camera pans to Kiryuu in the room behind Yahata.

Yahata Was that okay, Kiryuu?

Back in the car Aoyama and Ookikao talk.

Ookikao What did he want, sir?
Aoyama He has declared war on us, and he even graciously specified a location. He wants to fight us tomorrow at the pier.
Ookikao Seriously!? This isn't just some childish fight. Sir, there's no need to let them provoke you. It could be a trap.

Aoyama throws the cellphone at Ookikao.

Aoyama Running away plays into their hands. I don't want word of the Toujou Clan running from the Yamagasa Family spreading around. Even if we took the territory away from the Yamagasa Family it'll take time to win over the residents over there.
Ookikao I'm sorry.
Aoyama Send out the order to all our guys still in Fukuoka and perhaps my friend could be of service.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene

Back at the Nishio Building, Yahata and Kiryuu talk. Daigo's name turns up in the conversation.

Adventure Mode

  • Kiryuu is outside the Nishio Building.
  • The story marker is at Nagasu Taxis.
  • As Kiryuu walks away from the Nishio Building, 白衣の男 (a man in a white jacket) by the other side of the road is trying to attract attention of passers by. He's saying something about IF8. Apparently it's at the car park on the corner of 福博通り 西 - Fukuhaku Street West. There is a weird marker for it. This opens up .
  • After IF8 I seemed to be able to open upAssisted Cut Scene
  • When Kiryuu enters Nagasu Taxis he goes in to the office and talks to Nakajima at his desk.

Adventure Mode

  • Kiyruu has the option to get health and weapon supplies before starting the next story marker which is inside Nagasu Taxis. Kiryuu must go up to Nakajima at his desk and talk to him to start.
    • はい Hai - Yes
    • いいえ Iie - No

Cut scene: 現れた男 "Men Converge"

Many big black cars on the motorway. The cars belong to the Toujou Clan. They park up at the dock where Yahata 八幡 and many of his men are are awaiting with weapons. Many of the men get out with weapons and the walk up to Yamagasa Family men in a menacing way.

Yahata Hey! Where's that arsewipe Aoyama? Did he get scared and run away?
Toujou Man The boss doesn't have to get involved with a bunch of punks like you.

In a parked car, behind the stand off, Aoyama 青山 and Watase talk.

Watase So you're not joining in with the fighting, Aoyama?
Aoyama Huh! Of course not. Fighting is the job of a soldier. There's no need for me to do it myself.
Watase Huh! What a waste of a great opportunity. There's no moment more enjoyable than a good fight.
Aoyama I'm not like you and Kiryuu. I find no pleasure in fighting.
Watase In that case, why did you bring me along? You wanted me to help you fight, didn't you?
Aoyama Yes, when the time is right. When he shows up.
Watase He!?
Aoyama Well, it's almost tome for the fun to begin.

The camera is back on the Toujou Clan men.

Toujou Man It's time! Let's get started.

Suddenly a bright light appears.

The door on the nearby warehouse has opened to reveal a car's headlights. The car wheelspins through the gap between the two groups of men and screeches to a halt. Kiryuu steps out of the vehicle.

Toujou man It's you!
Kiryuu I'm the one... who will be doing the fighting here.
Toujou man Fourth chairman!
Kiryuu That was a long time ago, now I'm just a taxi driver working for Nagasu Taxis.
Toujou man You came all the way here to help out the Toujou Clan? I don't know how to thank you.
Kiryuu That's right, I came here to help. However, you guys have no idea what is really going on around you. That is why I came here to help prevent you from walking down the wrong path.
Toujou man Wha..what did you say!?
Aoyama I knew you'd show up.

Aoyama 青山 followed by Watase 渡瀬 walks up to Kiryuu passing through the ranks of Toujou Clan men.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene

Kiryuu and Aoyama have a discussion. Occaissionally Yahata and Watase chime in.

Cut Scene: 桐生 対 東城会 "Kiryuu Vs The Toujou Clan

Aoyama Times have changed, Kiryuu. Is it not now an age where, when someone gets into a fight with someone else, a war starts? So old fashioned people are no use, ha ha ha ha!

Watase punches Aoyama knocking him to the ground.

Watase You're taking this too far.
Aoyama Watase!
Watase I'll name the conditions. If Kiryuu can beat all the Toujou Clan, we won't have a war with the Yamagasa Family.
Aoyama Watase, you can't go making a decision like that!
Watase I, second in command of the Omi Alliance and head of the Watase Family, will take care of things now. You got a problem with that, Aoyama?...
Okay, let's begin. I will act as umpire for this fight.

Kiryuu nods in agreement. Aoyama gets up of the floor.

Aoyama What are you guys doing!? Don't go easy on him just because he's the fourth chairman. Get him!

The hundreds(?) of Toujou clan men ready their weapons.

Kiryuu Yeah, that's right, don't hold anything back. Step the fuck up... It's time to die!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}


Battle Mode

Toujou Clan Members

! There are several cut points where more enemies with hammers, swords and rocket launchers are introduced.

Cut Scene: 東京への誘い "Introduction to Tokyo"

Kiryuu finishes off the last Toujou member and the Yahata Family members look onward.

Yahata Seriously!?
Aoyama Ah! Damn it! That's enough of the childish fighting.

Aoyama pulls out a pistol and points it towards Kiryuu, but Watase puts his hand over it and pushes it down.

Aoyama Watase!? What are you doing?
Watase If you shoot him now, then you'll make me look bad as an invigilator. Do you really want to bring disgrace upon me?
Aoyama Damn it! This isn't what you said before. You're the one who said you wanted to take down Kiryuu.
Watase I am not your soldier. I pick my own fights on my own terms.

Watase knocks Aoyama to the floor.

Aoyama Damn you!

Kiryuu walks up to Aoyama and drags him up only to punch him back down. Kiryuu repeats this once. Twice. Thrice. Quarce...

The Yahata men and Watase look on.

Kiryuu punches a bloody Aoyama and he falls back against a car.

Aoyama This isn't what I heard... I heard you're a merciful man who wouldn't kill anyone.
Kiryuu Who told you that?
Aoyama It was...
Kiryuu I'm asking you who told you that?
Aoyama A senior member of the Toujou Clan.
Kiryuu You know... I am not such a kind hearted person.

Kiryuu punches a heavy downward blow, but the camera reveals it is the car window that he has hit which is just above Aoyamas head.

Kiryuu Though I'm living here undercover, deep down, I am still just another scumbag yakuza. It's not so simple for a yakuza to survice by doing nothing but accounting. Remember that well. I won't tell you again.

Aoyama falls back on to his ass. Kiryuu starts to walk away.

Aoyama Why has this happened to me? Why did I have to go through all this? If I had known things would end like this then I would never had done any of it.

Watase looks at Aoyama in disgust then marches up to him and drags him up by the collar.

Watase Give me a break! If you want to be the head of the Toujou Clan then don't be such a coward. Don't disappoint me any more than you already have.

Aoyama sits there in a bloody daze.

Watase Say something, Aoyama!
Aoyama I was just doing what I was told. He said I had to drag Kiryuu out of hiding.
Watase What!? Who said that? Who was it?
Aoyama It was your...

A bullet punctures Aoyama's head and blood goes over Watase's natty suit.

Watase Aoyama! Hey, Aoyama!
Unknown Voice You were talking too much, Aoyama.

We see the shooter from behind.

Kiryuu It's you!

Jaws drop as we see Morinaga walk into the fray and point his gun.

Kiryuu Morinaga!
Morinaga I didn't want for us to meet again like this, fourth chairman.
Kiryuu Why you...!

Kiryuu starts to charge towards Morinaga, but he fires a warning shot.

Morinaga Don't move! The next one goes through your head.
Kiryuu What is this about? Were you the traitor all along?
Morinaga Traitor? The chairman abandoned his hard working men to run off alone. He's the one who looks like a traitor to me.
Kiryuu What happened to your wounds from when Aoyama shot you? You telling me it was all an act?
Morinaga My job was to lead you to that place. Just like Madarame we prepared for any unforeseen problems.
Kiryuu So you were working with Aoyama from the start? But why did you need to kill him?
Morinaga Yakuza who can't keep a secret are no good. You heard how he wouldn't stay quiet after you threatened him a little.
Kiryuu He said too much?

Morinaga goes to walk away but Kiryuu shouts him back.

Kiryuu Wait, Morinaga!
Morinaga What? You can ask all you like about my motivations, but I don't feel like telling you.
Kiryuu I don't give a crap about your reasons, just tell me one thing. What happned to Aizawa? He's not the kind of guy who would stab someone in the back. If he knew you were the traitor then he would have let me know at any cost. Answer me Morinaga! Where is Aizawa right now.
Morinaga He really was a great guy, but he knew too much. He even knew about my double bluff.
Kiryuu Don't tell me you... Damn you!
Morinaga He has been buried in the mountains at Inuboeyama. I did it with my own hands.
Kiryuu Morinaga! I'll get you for this.
Morinaga I told you to stay back! Damn it! Stay back!... Stay back!

Kiryuu runs at Morinaga but Morinaga holds up his gun and eventually shoots hitting Kiryuu in the leg.

Watase catches Kiryuu and steadies him.

Watase Stop! Don't go after him!
Morinaga Now is not the time for you to die. I need you alive fourth chairman.
Kiryuu Morinaga!
Morinaga All your questions will be answered in Toukyou. I'll be waiting for you there, Kiryuu.

Morinaga gets in his car and drives off.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 葛藤 "Discord"

Nagasu. Fukuoka. Day.

2 Days later.

Kiryuu is leaning against a railing by the River when Serizawa walks up to him.

Serizawa It's been 2 days since the fight. Your sincerity when it comes to your work is commendable.
Kiryuu You again!
Serizawa Hn, I hear it was one hell of a show.
Kiryuu What are you talking about?
Serizawa You don't have to play dumb with me. Is your leg better now?

Kiryuu tries to light a cigarette, but his lighter fails. Serizawa offers Kiryuu a light.

Serizawa Here.
Oh yeah, it seems Watase has returned to Kansai. Apparently, he graciously dropped off Aoyama's body at the morgue. Despite the fact that he was being used by him. He's a good natured guy. There are still those kind of old fashioned yakuza around in the Omi. In some ways, that's a good thing.
Kiryuu Eh!?
Serizawa Forget about it. It's kind of funny that I'm saying these things. I'm supposed to hate his very existence more than anything else. Ha, ha! I really am an odd one.
Kiryuu Are you on good terms with him?
Serizawa Don't be ridiculous. I've been a police detective for a long time. Although I call him my enemy, I do feel some emotions for him. Back when you were with the yakuza, you had unsavoury ties with one of the detectives, didn't you. It's the same with him and I... Ah, that reminds me, he asked the detectives to pass on a message to you.
Kiryuu To me!
Serizawa Yes. "I will clean up the Omi Alliance and then let's settle things in Toukyou."... Will you be going?

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 凶報 "Bad News"

Kiryuu walks to his taxi then Serizawa follows him, talking.

Serizawa We found a man's body at Inuboeyama this morning. The face is completely messed up so we haven't been able to identify him yet. Apparently he had the crest of the Toujou Clan on his lapel.
...Are you sure you just want to stay here?
...This is a crucial time and Doujima Daigo is nowhere to be found. You're the only one who can help the Toujou Clan now.

Kiryuu gets in the taxi and rolls the window down.

Kiryuu If you have somewhere you need to go, I'll give you a ride... but other than that, I'm not taking any orders from you. I'm the one who decides what path I take.
Serizawa Fine! Suit yourself. First though, you might be interested what's on the news on the radio... We've only known each other for a short time, but I feel we will get to know each other very well... Later.

Serizawa walks away and Kiryuu watches him in his rearview. Kiryuu turns on the car radio and listens to a news report.

Announcer I'll say again, in regards to the murder case from the shoot-out that took place in Sapporo early yesterday morning, the Hokkaido police have confirmed that the victim was a leading member of the Toujou Clan, a criminal organisation based in Kantou, named Majima Gorou which they announced in an emergency conference. The Hokkaido police are taking the death of this leading member of the largest criminal organisation in Kantou very seriously and have revealed that they are planning to work wirh the Toukyou Police Department and launched a full scale investigation. That's all for the news. Now let's hand over to Hayata to hear about the weather. Hayata...

Kiryuu bangs on his car horn. Serizawa is walking away in the distance.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 昇竜の旅立ち "The Rising Dragon's Departure"

Kiryuu's apartment, Nagasu.

Kiryuu has a shower. He then puts on his Kamurocho grey suit and burgundy / purple shirt.

As he goes to leave the apartment, he picks up the upturned photo. It is of him, the Sunshine Orphanage kids and Haruka in front of the orphanage.

Kiryuu I'm sorry, Haruka.

He puts the photo back down faced against the wall and leaves the apartment.



Part 2 - 第一章 最果ての地 - Chapter 1 The Far Ends of the Earth 

Cut Scene: 誓いの晩餐 "Dinner Oath"

Kanrai restaurant, Kamurocho. December 2010.

Saejima is stuffing his face with yakiniku whilst Majima smokes.

Majima Why here?

Saejima continues stuffing his face.

Majima There are much better places to eat yakiniku. We're right near the likes of Azabu and Roppongi. So why have we come here of all places?
Saejima Shut up and eat.
Majima It's your final meal as a free man and you spend it at the usual place. It really is pitiable.
Saejima What do you mean "pitiable"? Come on, hurry up and eat it before it burns.
[ To Kanrai staff ] Hey, Bring more horumon.
Staff Coming!

! Horumon is fried offal.

Majima picks up a strip of yakiniku.

Majima I can't eat this. My stomach won't accept such fatty meat. I miss the days when I could eat a whole bowl of rice with some galbi.
There's no going back to those times... Back when everyday was glistening.

! Galbi (カルビ karubi) is Korean beef ribs.

A female member of staff puts a bowl on the table and then departs.

Female staff OK. Here is your horumon.
Saejima Get a hold of yourself. Come on, eat.
Majima What the hell... it's burnt to a crisp.
Saejima You and I are like that horumon.
Majima Heh?
Saejima If you overcook meat, it gets hard and you can't eat it. But horumon is different. It gets better when it's burnt.
Majima Heh!?
Saejima Burn it until it becomes black and it loses it's fat, improving the taste.

Majima puts a bit of horumon in his mouth and chews a bit. Cue double take.

Majima It's good!
Saejima How about this one?

Saejima puts another piece on Majima's plate. Majima picks it up in his chopsticks and begins to eat it.

Majima What's this!? It's raw! [ Spit! Spit! ] I can't eat this.
Saejima That's right, raw horumon can't be eaten.
Majima Hah!?
Saejima We have to burn it more. No matter how we dress it up, no matter how we live, we're just yakuza. Different from well reared meat.
Majima You're saying we're trash like horumon?
Saejima That's right. So we have to burn more... because horumon that isn't burnt is just garbage. It must be burnt to a crisp. Only then does it have any worth. The yakuza have forgotten such obvious things.
Majima So you'll serve the Toujou Clan again?
Saejima I made a promise with Kiryuu that I would make the Toujou Clan strong again. To do that, after one or two years, I am prepared to burn myself.
Majima Brother...
Saejima Until I return, look after the clan. Stay with the young "head chef" and support him.
Majima You mean Daigo?
Saejima He's a competent guy, but at the moment he's surrounded by nothing but "raw" henchmen.
Majima Yeah, no kidding! With the huge number of men the Toujou Clan are bringing in, they are becoming the biggest they've ever been. Most of them have never experienced a war. They're nothing but a bunch of lacklustre guys with no mettle. If they went to war with the Omi now, all they could do is run away.
Saejima It's okay for yakuza to put on airs and graces and do business, but it is not the way of the yakuza world to survive only with money. In the end, it's all about power. So, for the time being, we'll support them. That... is the reason we are here now.
Majima You're right. Alright, time for me to stuff myself.

Just as Majima is about to take the last bit of food, Saejima steals it from the burner, pops it in his mouth.

Majima Huh!?
Saejima If you don't eat quickly, they'll be reduced to cinders. Even this meat becomes worthless if it is burnt too much.
Majima Wha..!? Damn it, just as I had got my appetite.
[ To the Kanrai staff ] Hey, miss, bring us enough of your best horumon to feed 3 people. No, make that 10 people. Be quick about it!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Majima continue their conversation outside Kanrai. Majima walks off.

Adventure Mode

Outside Kanrai, Saejima for a split second is allowed to move.

Assisted Cut Scene

A 謎の男 (Mystery Man) and two other yakuza who are wearing the same type of clothes as Kiryuu, get up in Saejima's grill. A memo for チャージ攻撃 Charge Attack appears.

Battle Mode

ヤクザ Yakuza x 3 (700 XP)

Adventure Mode

! Warning - Before you carry out this small section, it might be wise to spend all the money Saejima accrues as he loses it at the end of the next set of cut scenes. Buy items in the restaurants and bars if you want to make a mark on the sections completion. Play as many minigames as you can.

! Saejima can level up to LEVEL 11+ and enemies stay available.

  • A single substory is available , which opens up a second substory mission on completion If you are unable to see the "?" substory marker at the end of Shichifuku Street West then don't worry it sometimes doesn't pop up for everyone and will appear again in Part 5.
  • Saejima is able to enter Fukuma Casino and play Roulette, Baccarat, Poker and Blackjack in Purgatory Underground via Children's Park manhole. River Fishing is available in the tunnels and in Underground. Use slots and  in Volcano, play ten pin bowls, use Works Kamiyama, play Shogi, Karaoke and Mahjong. He can also enter the Gambling Hall and Rune Casino in Ryugujo Building. He can enter all the restaurants and bars where he can play pool and darts.
  • Saejima can't Fight in the Coliseum, use Batting Cages, enter Elise (nor via MEB), enter Yunosono Hot Springs. He can't enter Poppo, Don Quijote or M Store. He can't buy booze from Shellac either.
  • The marker is at 

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima enters t  he is greeted by 伊達 (Date) and Mariko (Mama ママ). Mariko goes off somewhere whilst Date and Saejima talk. Mariko comes back into frame and laughs at Saejima.

Adventure Mode

  • The next story marker is at Yoshida Batting Cage.

! Warning - This is the last story segment before Saejima loses all his money and items.

When Saejima talks to the man in front of the batting cage 西田 (Nishida):

  • まだ?ぶ - Not yet
  • 十分だ - Sufficient (Choose)

Cut Scene: 不謂 "Not That!"

Inside the Yoshida Batting Centre, Saejima goes to one of the cages and sees Majima practising with the bat.

The baseball machine releases a ball. The ball comes towards Majima. He swings. He misses. There is a look of incredulity on his face.

Scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 真島のテスト "Majima's Test"

Saejima enters the cage.

Saejima What's wrong? You not in form?
Majima It's because that crappy meat you made me eat. No, I'm only kidding. Lately, I haven't been able to hit these balls like I used to.
Saejima Has your eyesight gotten bad?
Majima Are you okay, Saejima?
Saejima What do you mean?
Majima We're not as young as we used to be. I'm sure life in the joint will take it's toll on you, even if it is only 3 years. It's not too late. I could challenge the authorities and have your imprisonment revoked.
Saejima Ha! Don't be ridiculous. I lasted in prison 25 years. There's nothing to worry about.
Majima Is that the truth?
Saejima Yeah!

Majima holds the baseball bat up into the air. Many yakuza walk in.

Saejima What's this about? Aren't we going to go one-on-one.
Majima Not today. You're fighting these guys. My stomach isn't feeling too good. I need to see it firsthand. See whether or not you can survive life in the joint.
Saejima Brother, you sure you won't regret it?
Majima Regret what!?
Saejima If you don't fight with me here, you may not get another chance. Are you okay with that?
Majima Yeah.
Saejima Alright then. I don't have much time so let's finish this quickly. I will show you my power. Watch very closely.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Battle Mode

真島組構成員 Majima Family Members x 16 (700 XP)

! Memo for 猛虎の心得 傀儡 (Ferocious Tiger: Puppet) move where Saejima can grab enemies and swing them around.

Cut Scene: 牙の抜けた極道 "Yakuza Shows His Teeth"

Saejima Well, Majima? Now you don't have a problem with me going to prison, right?

Majima is crouching in unchi mode, he laughs at Saejima.

Majima I already knew you'd be fine all along. I know your strength better than anyone.
Saejima Then what was this all about? In the past, you'd be the first to jump at a chance to fight with me. So, why didn't you fight?
Majima I can't, brother.
Saejima Heh!?
Majima I am no longer a match for you. I've gotten old. After working only to support the Toujou Clan, before I knew it, I had lost my vigour. My era is over.
Saejima Why are you talking like a coward? That's not like you.
Majima I'm a yakuza. I always feel like I have to act tough, but I know myself better than anyone. This is how I really am. So I wanted you to have all your strength. I'm relieved that I was able to make sure you still got it.
Saejima Majima.
Majima They can talk of money all they want, but in the end the yakuza is all about power. Those who have lost their power must make way for those with power. Saejima, you are the power of the Toujou Clan. Be sure to return to Kamurocho with all your strength.
Saejima I will.
Majima Man, I don't know which of us is seeing the other off here!
Saejima Hn, you're telling me.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 別離 "Parting"

From inside the batting centre, Police sirens are heard approaching.

Majima The time has come.
Saejima Yeah.

Police cars and reporters are crowded round the entrance of the batting centre. One of the police cars has an open door. Saejima walks out of the Yoshida Batting Centre with Majima, but Saejima walks up to the police car and gets in. The police car drives off with a forlorn Majima looking on.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}


Cut Scene: 雪に閉ざされた場所 "Closed in by Snow"

網走刑務所 (Abashiri Penitentiary), Hokkaido.

December 2012

4 men are in a prison cell. They are 日村 (Himura), 馬場茂樹 (Shigeki Baba), 大島平八郎 (Ooshima Heihachirou) and Saejima. The room is quiet, Saejima is looking out the barred window, Ooshima is reading, Himura and Baba are sitting in silence.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima is out in the prison yard.
  • There is a Save Point in the yard.
  • Speak to 日村 (Himura) in the South East of the yard.

Assisted Cut Scene

A talk between Saejima and 日村 (Himura).

Adventure Mode


  • Talking to the guy in the South West corner initiated a conversation about 北海道のおせち料理 Hokkaido New Years Cooking!
  • A story marker is at the northern end of the map. Talk to 大島 (Ooshima)

Assisted Cut Scene

A talk between Saejima and 大島 (Ooshima).

Adventure Mode


  • A marker is at the west end of the yard which fires when Saejima gets near.

Cut Scene: 夢を失った青年 "Lost Dreams of a Young Man"

Shigeki Baba is sat on the bench in the prison yard.

Baba Ah, brother Saejima.
Saejima You've been looking for me haven't you?

Saejima sits down next to Baba.

Saejima Himura and Ooshima told me.
Baba Ah well, yes I have.
Saejima What's wrong? You have something to discuss with me?
Baba Don't worry about it. I've already turned it down.
Saejima Turned what down?
Baba My parole. I just officially turned down my parole at the warden's office.
Saejima You did what?
Baba There's no point in leaving here. I've never mentioned this to you before, but I used to be a member of a yakuza family in Hokkaido.
Saejima Ooshima told me about that. He said you killed someone.
Baba Yes. When I was 20, there was a war within the family and my senior was next in line to be the head of the family. He got to the point where he was near to being promoted.
Saejima And so you killed someone for him?
Baba Yes. He said he'd rise to greatness and then make arrangements to get me out of the joint, but after many years I never heard anything. At first, I had thought that he couldn't come to see me because I was in a Kansai prison, but after 7 or 8 years passed I gradually started recognising the truth. "Ah, I guess I've been abandoned", I thought.
Saejima Baba...
Baba Sorry for the depressing story, but it's OK now. I'm over it. Whatever the reason, I am a murderer. It's only natural I suffer the consequences. Even 10 years in the joint could never erase what I have done. So I guess it's better to try facing up to my crime right to the end.
Saejima Are you sure? You're afraid, aren't you? Afraid of leaving here.
Baba Brother Saejima.
Saejima The same thing happened to me. After eating meals in the joint for so many years, I couldn't help but become scared of the outside world. However... no matter how many years you spend here, your crime will never disappear. Those who have had their hearts burnt must go outside. Go outside and get it trampled on by reality. Struggle to survive. Only then can you atone for your crime. That way you will find your place in the world. No matter what difficult path awaits you.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Assisted Cut Scene

3 men approach Saejima and Shigeki. One of them, 怪しい受刑者Suspicious Prisoner)

Cut Scene: お楽しみの時間 "Amusement Time"

Saejima is frogmarched into a large shed by the three prisoners where a scar-faced 釘原広志 (Hiroshi Kugihara) is sat on a box in the middle of the room.

Henchman We got him, boss.

Two of the prisoners hold Saejima. Kugihara stands up and approaches the restrained Saejima.

Kugihara Haha! It's been a week hasn't it Saejima?
Saejima If you're gonna do it, get on with it.
Kugihara Don't get so angry. I've been looking forward to this, after all.

Kugihara undoes Saejima's shirt to reveal a bruised body with a large partially healed, cut wound in his abdomen.

Kugihara Ah! This has healed up well, even after the beating we gave you last time!

Kugihara traces his fingers down Saejima's scarred body and sticks two fingers into the wound. Saejima screams in pain. Kugihara pulls his fingers out, then licks them.

Kugihara Begin...

Kugihara sits back down on his box and watches as the third prisoner beats Saejima with a stick.

The camera switches to the exterior of the snow covered shed, where the sounds of brutality can be heard.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 貫いた意志 "Determination from Penetration"

Himura, Baba and Ooshima run into the shed and go to the prone Saejima. Baba goes to hold Saejima.

Baba Brother Saejima! Brother.
Himura What the hell happened here?
Ooshima Kugihara from the woodwork group did this.
Himura Kugihara!? That vile bald guy who came here about 6 months ago?
Ooshima I don't know why, but about 3 months ago, Saejima was targeted by Kugihara's group. Once or twice a week, during exercise time, he is summoned and continually assaulted.
Himura You knew about this, Ooshima?
Ooshima Saejima told me when he came to ask me for some painkillers.
Himura Why didn't you say anything?
Ooshima He told me to keep quiet. He said he didn't want me to tell you guys about it.
Himura Damn it! If we had known, we could have protected him from Kugihara.
Ooshima It would be of no use. If we helped him then we would be targetted. Besides, Saejima is wilfully letting them do this to him. If he wanted to, he could take out all those guys out with ease.
Himura Then why isn't he fighting back!? There has to be some reason?
Ooshima It's because...

Three prison guards enter the shed.

Himura Kousaka!
Ooshima Ah, Mr Deputy Warden, this is just a simple accident. We didn't do anything.

The head officer, 高坂誠司 (Kousaka Seiji), walks over to Saejima and looks sternly.

Kousaka Bring him inside.
Guard Yes sir.
Baba Brother!
Himura Wait a minute! We can explain.

The two guards have picked up Saejima and are aiding him out of the shed. One of the guards bats away Himura as he walks past, knocking him to the floor.

Ooshima Oi! Don't you think you're over-stepping your bounds?

Kousaka gives a cursory acknowledgement to Ooshima's plea before walking out the shed.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}


Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima is in a solitary confinement cell. Head Guard 高坂 (Kousaka) opens the door slot. They have a lengthy conversation.

Cut Scene: 雑居房 "Shared Living Cell"

Himura, Baba and Ooshima are in their shared cell.

Himura Stop fidgeting! I can't concentrate.
Baba Sorry.
Ooshima Are you worried about Saejima?
Himura I understand how you feel, but there's nothing we can do about it. If he's in solitary confinement then he won't be back for at least 3 days. All we can do is wait patiently.
Baba I understand that, but I can't relax at all.
Himura That reminds me, you said you had something to discuss with Saejima. Did you get to speak with him?
Baba Yes, I did.
Himura What was it about? You said you could only discuss it with him. You can tell us too, can't you?
Baba Well, it was...
Himura What is it? Tell us.
Ooshima It was about life after leaving prison, wasn't it? Many things await a yakuza after leaving here, after all.
Himura That's all it was? Speaking of which, you get released on parole soon, don't you? How nice for you. You must have a lot of dreams you want to fulfil.
Baba No, actually I don't really have any dreams.
Ooshima I heard you refused your parole. I heard from a prison guard.
Himura Wha! Uh! Seriously? You gotta be kidding!
Ooshima I heard you told the deputy warden that you have not yet been able to repent for your crime.
Himura If you say something like that, they'll be sure to withdraw your parole! Are you out of your mind!?
Ooshima What's going on Baba?

The door to the cell opens and Saejima bows to the prison guard then enters.

Baba Brother Saejima!

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima talks to his 3 inmates. After much discussion all four of them convene round the table in the centre of the room.

Adventure Mode

想像上の月見野 (Imaginary Tsukimino)

  • The next phase gets a bit freaky as we have to navigate 想像上の月見野 (Imaginary Tsukimino). Tsukimino is a fictional area of the city of Sapporo.
  • Saejima is joined by a virtual Himura. The first objective Himura gives is to go to Lavender Street. Saejima turns into pre-prison Saejima with long hair. The objective at the Rose Hip club is marked on the map. Himura will follow Saejima.

Assisted Cut Scene

Himura says that Saejima has 10,000,000 Yen. He must spend it unwisely! Saejima and Himura enter the club.

Adventure Mode

想像上の月見野 (Imaginary Tsukimino)

The doorman informs Saejima of the charges before he enters, but there is no need to worry about them as they are a thousandth of the amount he has been given. He tells them about their top girl Kaguya. Kaguya introduces herself.

The drinks menu is shown. If you want full benefit from this section then order the top option "Champagne Tower". The money will be taken away from Saejima at the end of this section so he can be frivolous. Kaguya will be impressed.

Kaguya will proceed to ask a set of questions. Seefor details.

After the first set of questions from Kaguya, Himura will talk to Saejima from off-screen. A menu will appear on the right hand side of the screen and Saejima needs to pick the 5th one down (アフターに誘う - Ask on an after hours date). To select it you need to press O. The following options are shown:

  • 誘う - Date (Choose)
  • やっぱりやめる - Not yet

Kaguya thinks about it then accepts. Kaguya will proceed to ask another set of questions. See for details. At the end the following options appear in the top right corner:

  • O - 行動する - Do Action
  • X - 何もしない - Don't do an Action (Choose)

Kaguya will proceed to ask another set of questions. See for details.

At the end of the set of questions a ボーイ (waiter) will ask if Saejima wants an extension:

  • する - Do
  • しない - Do not (Choose)

Kaguya will let Saejima now she appreciates him and his Pink Gauge will rise to E rank.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima is stood outside a hotel with Virtua-Himura when Kaguya walks up. She wants her date! Saejima suggests karaoke. That'll work.

Inside Virtua-Karaokekan, the store worker takes a grand off of Saejima. Saejima helps Kaguya sing "Rouge of Love". See  for instructions. At the end of the song Kaguya suggest Saejima should sing:

  • 歌う - Sing
  • 歌れない - Don't Sing

If Saejima decides to sing then he will have to try Bakamitai.

Assisted Cut Scene

Outside Karaokekan Virtua-Himura is pushing the buttons. He suggests 松尾ジンギスカン Matsuo Genghis Khan, 銀だこ&ハイボール酒場 - Gindaco & Haibooru Sakaba or 居酒屋はなこ Izakaya Hanako - Hanako Bar.

Adventure Mode

想像上の月見野 (Imaginary Tsukimino)

  • Luckily all three establishments are marked on the map. Gindaco is nearest!

If Saejima goes to Gindaco on the corner then when he tries to enter he gets the following options:

  • 「銀だこ&ハイボール酒場」 で食事する - Have a meal at "Gindaco"
  • 他を当たる - Try elsewhere

! When Saejima enters then he should try as many of the options as he can as this will count to the completion and you using virtua-money that will be taken away soon.

Assisted Cut Scene

Himura and Saejima walk the streets of Tsukimino. Saejima is just about to leave Himura when he stops him and summons some チンピラ (Chinpira - Hoodlums). One of them 愚連隊のボス (Street Gang Boss) is particularly mouthy.

Battle Mode

街のチンピラ Street Hoodlums x 9 (3,000 XP)

Assisted Cut Scene

Himura talks to Saejima before they end their little journey in weirdsville. Back in the cell all four prisoners are on their lined up futons.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima is in the Penitentiary yard looking for Baba.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima needs to speak to Himura and Ooshima in the north west corner of the yard.

Assisted Cut Scene

Himura and Ooshima discuss Baba with Saejima. Himura runs off and then comes immediately back again.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima needs to speak with the 年老いた受刑者 (Old Prisoner) who is sat on the bleachers near the Save Point.
  • Saejima needs to speak with the 退屈な受刑者 (Boring Prisoner) who is in the south west corner.
  • Saejima needs to speak with the 無気力な受刑者 (Lethargic Prisoner) who is in the south centre of the yard.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima talks to the Lethargic Prisoner he is soon joined by Himura and Ooshima. They realise they have to run to the shed. They run to the shed.

Cut Scene: 消えた仮釈放 "Ruining Any Chance of Parole"

Baba is in the shed holding a bloody chisel.

Prisoner A You son of a bitch! Arrrgh, that hurts!
Baba No, it wasn't me!

Saejima, Himura and Ooshima burst through the door, soon followed by 2 prison guards.

Guard A What's going on? What are you doing sneaking around here?

Prisoner A, Owata, is on the floor holding his leg where blood is soaked through his trousers. Prisoner B is kneeling over him and points to Baba.

Prisoner B This guy just stabbed Owata out of the blue!
Guard A What!?
Saejima Baba!
Guard A Baba! You did this?
Baba No! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!
Guard A What!? Then what's that you have there!?
Owata Out of nowhere, he stabbed me in the leg with that thing.
Baba [Looking at the bloody chisel in his hand. ] No! I didn't! This isn't mine!

Baba drops the chisel.

Guard A [To Guard B] Get him to the treatment room right away!
Saejima Baba, you...!?
Baba Brother...!

The guard cuffs Baba.

Guard A You can forget about your parole now. It was just a few days away, yet you go and do something stupid!
Saejima What!?
Baba [To the guard] It wasn't me! It wasn't me! [To Saejima] Brother, please believe me!
Guard A Now, come with me.
Saejima Baba!

The guard leads Baba out the shed.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima, Himura and Ooshima discuss the shenanigans in the shed

Adventure Mode


Objective: 馬場のアリバイを実証する Get an alibi for Baba

  • Saejima needs to speak with the やせた受刑者 (Slim Prisoner) with the goatee in the northern centre part of the yard.
  • Saejima needs to speak with the 同情的な受刑者(Compassionate Prisoner) in the north east corner of the yard.
  • Saejima needs to speak with the 青ざめた受刑者 (Pale Prisoner) in the south east corner of the yard.

Assisted Cut Scene

Himura and Ooshima run up to Saejima to discuss what he's found out.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima can try to speak with the 痩せた受刑者 (Slim Prisoner) in the north west corner.
  • Saejima needs to speak with the 知り合いの受刑者 (Aquaintance Prisoner) in the south centre of the yard. He points out the old guy on the bleachers.
  • Saejima needs to speak with the 古株の受刑者 (Senior Citizen Prisoner) in the north centre on the bleachers.

!Memo ブツを受け取れ! Get the stolen item!

  • There is now a marker. Go there.

! When Saejima gets near a QTE will fire. Saejima will ge

  • A marker appears in the south centre of the yard.

! When Saejima gets near the guard a QTE will fire. Saejima will pass the 

  • The marker is now at the Senior Citizen Prisoner on the bleachers in the north centre of the yard.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima has a talk with the 古株の受刑者 (Senior Citizen Prisoner). Saejima has a determined look on his face and stands up.

Assisted Cut Scene

In the shed Saejima discusses his new findings with Himura and Ooshima.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Himura walk out into the yard.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima needs to speak with 古株の受刑者 (Senior Citizen Prisoner) at the marker.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima speaks with 古株の受刑者 (Senior Citizen Prisoner). He points out the guard near the shed then gives Saejima the

Adventure Mode


  • The marker is at the prison guard by the shed.

Chase Battle

刑務官 (Prison Guard): Evade the guard for a minute.

Assisted Cut Scene

Adventure Mode


  • The marker is at the 古株の受刑者 (Senior Citizen Prisoner) on the bleachers.

Assisted Cut Scene

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima is with Himura and is joined by Ooshima.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and his cellmates confront Kugihara in the corner of the yard. Saejima brandishes the chisel at Kugihara. There is a long conversation.

Cut Scene: 已への怒り "A Stop to the Anger"

In the prison yard.

Saejima clenches his fists.

Saejima You are the worst kind of scumbag, a scumbag of scumbags.
Kugihara Ha, ha ha! There is no "best" or "worst" when it comes to scumbags! He's a murderer himself, after all. Everyone here is a scumbag. Both you and I, too!

Saejima punches Kugihara and he slams back onto the bench with force.

Kugihara henchman A Brother!
Ooshima Saejima, what are you doing!?

Kugihara, on the bench, coughs up some blood.

Saejima Get up!
Kugihara You really hit me!?
Saejima Hurry up and stand! I'll take you on, just as you want!
Kugihara Hah! You never fought back even after all the beatings we gave you. Yet, just getting involved with that idiot is enough to make you snap!
Saejima Shut up! I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with myself.
Kugihara What do you mean?
Saejima I was only thinking of myself. I only cared about getting myself out of here as soon as possible. That's why I let you do as you pleased. I wouldn't even hit a guy standing right in front of me no matter how much I wanted to. How can I call myself a yakuza? How can I call myself a yakuza boss!?

Saejima tears off his shirt to reveal his Tiger (tattoo).

Kugihara Guh! Uh!
Saejima I cannot abandon a man whom I consider a brother to me. I will make you experience his pain.
Kugihara Heh heh! Go ahead, do your worst! I haven't had a fight in a long time. Let's have some fun!

Kugihara charges towards Saejima...

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

Battle Mode

釘原弘志 Kugihara Hiroshi and two henchmen

Cut Scene: 嘲笑 "Scorn"

Kugihara is lying on the snow covered ground. Saejima picks Kugihara up by the scruff of his neck. Kugihara is not accepting defeat...

Kugihara Heh, heh heh heh!
Saejima What's so funny?
Kugihara I win this fight.
Saejima Eh!?
Kugihara With all these prisoners as witnesses, you can't get yourself out of this now! It wasn't easy, but now I have finally achieved my goal.
Saejima What are you talking about?
Kugihara You want me to tell you my real objective? Why I messed with you?
Ooshima It was revenge, wasn't it?
Kugihara No, it wasn't! My objective... was to prolong your time in prison.
Saejima Nn!?
Kugihara If I was going to kill you, I'd have done so right away. I was waiting all this time for you to attack me. Then you'd no longer be considered a well behaved prisoner and so you'd have no chance of getting parole.
Ooshima Why would you do that?
Saejima So that's why you messed with Baba? You and I have no history outside of this prison, so what the hell do you gain by prolonging my prison time?
Kugihara It's not a question of what I gain, I was only doing what I was ordered to do.
Saejima What did you say!? Who the hell put you up to this?
Kugihara Heh, heh heh heh!
Guard You two again...!

Several guards have walked up to where the fracas has been occurring. Saejima who has had Kugihara's shirt in his hand all this time, pushes the bald recidivist away.

Kousaka Saejima...
Kugihara Listen to me Deputy Warden, he attacked me!
Kousaka Is that so?
Saejima Yes.
Kugihara You can forget about getting parole now! We can get along together for another year.
Kousaka [To Kugihara] Silence! [To the guards] Get them inside. Get the injured some treatment.
Guard A Yes sir.
Guard B Come on, you.

Saejima and Kugihara are restrained and taken away.

Editing and scene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

End Chapter


RGG 5 - Part 2 第二章 決意の道 - Chapter 2 Moral Decisions

Cut Scene: 冴島の本心 "Saejima's True Feelings"

Kousaka, Deputy Qarden's Office.

Saejima reads the piece of paper. He throws it back on to the desk.

Saejima It's ridiculous.
Kousaka I understand how you feel. Every day spent here has been for nothing, but...
Saejima It's not that... I'm completely ashamed of myself.

Saejima goes to walk out the office.

Kousaka Heh!? Where are you going? Hey!
Saejima Kousaka... regarding my parole... I'm turning it down.
Kousaka What?
Saejima I only realised it when I heard I'd been excommunicated. I didn't want to continue being a yakuza. I just wanted to be with people I trust.
From the start I never cared about being in any yakuza group or becoming a yakuza boss. All that matters now is that I leave here after paying for my crime.
Kousaka Saejima!

Outside the office is a guard who escorts Saejima away.


Cut Scene: 奪われた家族 "The Family was Robbed"

Saejima is escorted back to his cell where he is greeted by his three cell mates.

Baba Brother Saejima!
Himura Saejima!
Saejima It seems the false accusations against you have been cleared up.
Baba Really, thank you very, very much!
Uh! Um, I don't know what to say.
Saejima No need to thank me. What has become of your parole situation?
Baba It's been approved. Apparently, the Deputy Warden put it through.
Saejima That's great!
Ooshima You got yourself back here pretty quick, didn't you? After what happened, I thoght they'd put you in solitary.
Saejima Kousaka didn't even bring it up.
Himura Kousaka!?... It's been the same with both the incidents involving Baba and Saejima. Since when did he get so lenient?
Saejima It's because of my excommunication.
Himura Excommunication!?
Ooshima So you mean... you've been forced out of the clan?
Saejima You got it.
Baba You've been excommunicated? What happened?
Saejima I don't know. I'm not bothered about the excommunication. However...
Ooshima However, what?
Saejima I have a bad feeling about what's going on.

A guard delivers a newspaper.

Guard Delivery.
Himura Hup...
Eh!? What's this!?
Ooshima What's wrong Himura?
Himura Isn't this... about the clan you were in, Saejima?

In the paper is an article. "Leading member of the Toujou Clan... Dead".

Baba A top leader of the Toujou Clan, Majima Gorou, is dead! Saejima, this is...!
Saejima So this is what has happened.
Ooshima I wonder if your excommunication has something to do with this?
Baba Brother!
Saejima It can't be... There's no way this can be true!

Saejima throws the paper to the floor in anguish. 


Assisted Cut Scene

A guard has entered the cell and is addressing the 4 detainees.

The scene switches to the yard and Saejima and Baba approach Kousaka in the dark of night in the south west corner of the yard. They have a long conversation.

Adventure Mode

  • The marker is by the 資材置き場 Storehouse.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Baba enter the storehouse and are soon joined by Kousaka. After a lot of talking Kousaka hands over a key to Saejima. More talking.

Cut Scene: 最後の夜 "The Last Night"

The four inmates are in their cell around the table playing cards and talking.

Himura So what did the Deputy Warden want to talk to you about?
Baba It was nothing serious. Just alterations to our parole applications. Isn't that right, brother?
Saejima Yeah.
Himura Is that so? The two of you are off on parole hey? I'm gonna miss you guys.
Hey Saejima, where will you go once you get out of here? Go to Tsukimino to search for the man who killed your friend?
Saejima Yeah, I suppose so.
Himura So I guess we'll be seeing you again pretty soon hey!
Saejima Why?
Himura Well, you're going off for revenge aren't you? You'll end up back here if you murder someone.
Ooshima Hey Himura, don't say such morbid things.
Baba Yeah, there's no way brother Saejima would do such a thing.
Himura But Saejima's close friend was murdered! I don't believe it's in Saejima's nature to sit around quietly and do nothing.
[To Saejima] Huh!? Did I make you mad?
Saejima It's fine. It's only natural to think that, but I'm not going to get revenge. I've no grudge against the man who killed my friend... this Kitakata.
Himura Then why are you going to seek him out?
Saejima I just want to know... what kind of guy killed my friend. I want to go and ask him about it face to face.
Himura What will you do when you've spoken to him? Turn him in to the police?
Saejima Nah... I don't think I'll do anything.
Himura Huh!? Why not?
Saejima I want to ask him... ask what my friend, whom I considered the toughest guy on the planet, said when he died. All I want is to hear it straight from Kitakata's mouth.
Himura So you have no hard feelings towards him?
Saejima If he really was killed, then it was because he'd become weak. It's not the killer's fault. He must have become really weak to have been killed by someone. It's either that or the killer is someone even stronger.
Himura I'm not sure whether that way of thinking is profoung or superficial?
Saejima I still don't believe he's dead, so I want to find out for sure. That's all.

Saejima throws his cards down on the table, triumpantly.

Saejima I win.
Himura That's not fair, you take it right at the end with 2's! There's no justice with these local Sapporo rules, it's so unfair.
Well then, this is the last time we can do this with Saejima and Baba... So shall we do it then?
Ooshima Huh!? You mean that imagination game?
Baba Heh, it's not so much a game as it is a tale of Himura's heroic deeds!
Himura What do you say, Saejima? You're up for doing it tonight, aren't you?
Saejima Sure. Let's enjoy another interesting journey.
Himura Alright then, here we go, um let's see now...

All 4 inmates close their eyes and loll their heads back. 


Adventure Mode

想像上の月見野 (Imaginary Tsukimino)
  • Saejima is long-haired again in Virtua-Tsukimino with Himura being the puppet master.
  • Himura tells Saejima to go to アンビシャス (Bar Ambitious) which is on Lavendar Street marked on the map.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima gets close to the bar he is greeted by hostess Kaguya.

Cut Scene: 行動開始 "It Starts"

The four cellmates are in their futon beds, seemingly asleep. Saejima rises and checks to see if Himura and Ooshima are asleep.

Baba is also awake and he and Saejima get up and go to the door. They look at their sleeping comrades.

Saejima Thanks for everything.
Baba Let's go!

Saejima nods to Baba and then they leave the cell. Baba bows to the sleeping Ooshima and Himura, before shutting the door behind him.

Himura sits up.

Himura It's just like you said... I'm really going to miss them though, aren'y you?
Ooshima Yeah! But more importantly, I hope this doesn't set the prisoner who were transferred here today into motion.
Himura Well, if it does, it does! They'll be fine. I know those guys can escape even if that happens.

Saejima and Baba are seen running down a corridor.


Cut Scene: 解き放たれた猛虎 "The Fierce Tiger is Unleashed"

Saejima and Baba are running down the corridor. They stop at a double door.

Saejima Past here is the ground.
Baba Hm.

Saejima and Baba pull the doors open with a struggle and are greeted with an icy wind. They take a few steps out into the yard.

Saejima What's that!?

There is a body of a prison guard on the floor.

They go up to him and Saejima turns him over. The guard has blood from his mouth and it looks as if he's no longer for this world.

Baba Brother, what the hell is going on?

The camera zooms out to show many prisoners with makeshift weapons walking towards Saejima and Baba.

A voice up in the watchtower shouts to Saejima and Baba.

Kousaka Run Saejima! Get out of here!
Saejima Kousaka!
Kousaka I'm sorry, I wasn't able to stop them. Just get yourself out...

The camera creeps up behind Kousaka and he spurts blood and disappears from the window, collapsing.

Saejima Kousaka! Kousaka!

Kugihara appears at the window.

Kugihara Where do you think you're going, Saejima!?
Saejima Kugihara... why you...!
Kugihara If I let you get away, then that would mean I brought all these men here for nothing!
Let's have some more fun together, shall we!?

Saejima Lays down the guard and closes his guards eyes. Saejima stands up and edges towards prisoners.

Saejima Baba.
Baba Yes.
Saejima Even though these guys are scumbags, Kousaka would still say to let them live, would he not?
Baba Yes, I am sure Kousaka would say that.
Saejima I see... {Shouting] Hey listen up! I'm not going to kill you guys... Instead... I'm going to show you that there is a way of life more painful than death in this world.

Baba walks up close to Saejima with a steely determination in his eyes. Kugihara is lapping it up in the gods.

Saejima I'll make you regret surviving this. Regret it for the rest of your lives. Yaaaaarrrrggghhh!

Saejima and Baba run at the prisoners.

Battle Mode

受刑者達 Prisoners

Adventure Mode

  • A marker has appeared at the south west of the yard.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima has a brief think.

Battle Mode

受刑者達 Prisoners

Battle Mode

釘原 Kugihara and 2 x 受刑者達 Prisoners

  • ! 口△

Cut Scene: 危機一髪 "By a Hair's Breadth"

Kugihara slams backward against the snow covered floor.

Kugihara Ung! This isn't possible.
Baba [Panting] I don't believe it. How did we beat this many guys?

Saejima walks up to the prone Kugihara, stands astride him and stamps. First next to his head, then on his wrist. Again and again and again. He's not going to be using weapons again for a while!

Saejima You can take care of that yourself. You'll live if you cut it off or burn it.
Kugihara Uh hn, wuh...!

Saejima stamps one last time on the whimpering Kugihara.

Saejima You started a war with the yakuza, you should have been prepared for something like this.
Kugihara Hn, ungh, don't kill me.
Saejima I won't, I promised Kousaka.

Saejima walks away from Kugihara and towards Baba.

Baba gets up from the floor.

Saejima Can you walk, Baba?
Baba Yes.

Saejima and Baba walk towards the gate.

Kugihara gets up!.

Kugihara Damn you! You think I'll just let you walk away?

Kugihara has a gun, in his unstamped on, right hand. Oh dear! He points it at Saejima and Baba.

Kugihara Die, Saejima!

Saejima and Baba turn round. Close up of the gun. Wide angle shot from high up above and behind Kugihara looking towards Saejima and Baba. A gunshot is heard.

The camera moves from Baba to Saejima to Kugihara. A bullet wound has appeared in Kugihara's chest. Kugihara drops to the floor with a groan. Himura has saved the day!


Himura These old fashioned handguns the guards have are awkward to use. I thought I was going to miss

Assisted Cut Scene

Himura talks to Baba and Saejima before they both leave.

Saejima gets on a skidoo and Baba sits on the back. They drive off.

{{Drive Mode}}
  • R2 - Accelerate
  • L2 - Brake
  • 口 - Tackle
  • Left Stick - Skidoo Movement
  • SELECT - Pause
  • START - Commands

Cut Scene: 自然の脅威 "Threat of Nature"

Saejima and Baba are riding on the skidoo.

Baba I guess we're past the worst of it now.
Saejima Yeah.

More skidooing through the snowy woods.

Baba Shit!
Saejima What's wrong Baba?
Baba I'm losing strength in my fingers. Ng! Gargh!

Baba is struggling to hang on to the back of Saejima and falls off the skidoo.

Saejima  : Baba!

Saejima turns to look at Baba and the skidoo flies of a ridge. Saejima falls down on the ground as the skidoo careers off.

Saejima writhes in agony for a short while then gets up off the snow covered ground. Saejima shouts out Baba's name.

Saejima Baba! Baba, where are you?

Saejima walks towards the treeline then he hears the roar. There are large score marks in a tree. Whilst Saejima looks at them, suddenly a big bear is bearing down on him. The bear stands up on it's haunches. It's huge. Twice as big as Saejima. It roars.

Saejima lets out an involuntary gurgle and the bear swipes it's humungous paws at him.

Saejima dodges out the way behind the behemoth, which turns round and roars viciously again.

Saejima Woah! It's bigger than Himura said.

The bear roars again then stomps with pace at Saejima. 

Cut Scene: 遭難 "Stranded"

Hokkaido. Snowy Mountain.


Saejima stands his ground against the bear. The bear gets the message and walks off.

Saejima collapses to the floor.

Saejima No! I'm not dying here.

Saejima struggles to get up, but loses consciousness.

A man in hunting gear walks up to him and puts him over his shoulder and carries Saejima away. 



RGG 5 - Part 2 第三章 凍てつく咆哮 - Chapter 3 Frozen Scream

Cut Scene: マタギの家 "Matagi Dwelling"

Hokkaido. Snowy Mountain Village. Matagi Hut.


Saejima wakes up under a blanket. He is in some kind of hut dwelling (Matagi hut). A wood fire is lit and fish are hung up and drying.

The hunter enters the building and puts his rifle on a wall holder. He takes his boots off and sits down by the central fire. He picks up a bowl and ladles a broth into it. He passes it to Saejima and nods. Saejima approaches and cautiously eats at first, then starts ravenously stuffing himself, chopsticks furiously tinkling against the bowl. The hunter looks on.

! The Matagi are a hunting community on the northern Japanese Island of Hokkaido

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and the 男 (Man) talk.

Adventure Mode

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima walks away from the hut he is approached by a villager who turns out to be 仁科 (Nishina).

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima wanders north he will meet 櫻井 (Sakurai) in the orange jacket. After a while an option appears:
  • いや 放ってはおけん - No way leave it (Choose)
  • やめておくか。。。 -

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima wanders south the camera will point out the stairs which leads to the Nishina residence.

Adventure Mode

  • There is a marker at the village stairs.
  • At the Nishina residence is a woman. Saejima needs to talk to her.

Assisted Cut Scene

仁科の奥さん (Mrs Nishina) in the green jacket talks to Saejima

Adventure Mode

  • There is a marker at Sakurai in the north of the village.

Assisted Cut Scene

Sakurai and Saejima talk. Sakurai gives Saejima a map of the 雪山 Snowy Mountains and explains the region.
  • 山に行く - Go to the mountain
  • もう少し準備をする - Go and prepare

Adventure Mode

  • Find Baba on the Snowy Mountain
! Memo 体力の減少 Physical Strength Reduction. As Saejima is exposed to the cold weather he will lose stamina.

Cut Scene:

Hokkaido. Snowy Mountain,


Saejima eventually finds 奥寺 (Okudera), the old man that rescued him, knelt next to a prone Baba. Saejima picks up an unconscious Baba whilst Okudera guards them with his rifle.


Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Okudera are in the hut round the fire whilst Baba is unconscious under the blanket.

: Reward 1,000 XP

Cut Scene:

Hokkaido. Snowy Mountain Village. Okudera's hut.
External. Day.

Okudera's Hut

Baba wakes up.


Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Baba have a chat in the hut.

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima is in the hut.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima passes by 仁科の奥さん (Mrs Nishina) bent over in the middle of the village they talk and she gives him another...

Adventure Mode

  • A marker is by Sakurai in the north of the village.

Assisted Cut Scene

Conversaton with Sakurai.

Adventure Mode

  • The only option to progress is up the stairs to the Nishina Residence.

Assisted Cut Scene

Nishina talks with his wife. Saejima approaches them and talks.

Adventure Mode

  • When Saejima leaves the Nishina Residence the marker is back at Sakurai again.

Assisted Cut Scene

Sakurai and Saejima talk.

! Memo Sakurai gives Saejima 質素な防寒着 (Cheap Warm Clothes) and a 水平二連猟銃 (Level Double Barreled Shotgun).

Sakurai asks Saejima if he's ready to go up the mountain:

  • 問題ない - Not a problem (Choose)
  • いや、 まだ準備できとらん - No, I need to prepare

! Memo 雪山アイテム Snowy Mountain Items - tells about special equipment needed to go on the mountain and the equipment confirmation screen. Saejima will be able to take bait, traps, healing items with him when he's on the mountain that will help him catch animals.


Adventure Mode

  • Saejima is on the Snowy Mountain. There is a marker further north.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima comes across Okudera he tells him how to use his weapon. He'll have to produce the following actions:
  • O - Crouch / Silent walk Toggle
  • R2 - Reload
  • L1 - Ready Gun and R1 or [] - Fire

Adventure Mode

  • A marker appears further north. Okudera accompanies Saejima.

Assisted Cut Scene

Okudera explains about マタギ小屋 (Matagi Huts).

Once one has been built then the player can use them as a hideout. This includes saving and restoring energy.

! Memo 猟師の生計 Huntsman Livelihood. Saejima can earn money by hunting and selling animals.

Adventure Mode

  • A marker appears towards the west. Okudera still accompanies Saejima.

Assisted Cut Scene

There are animal paw prints in the snow and Okudera tells Saejima to slaughter the bunny.

! Memo 足跡 (Footprints) - If Saejima see's foot prints then it is probably a good idea to slow down O.

! Memo 同行者(NPC)への指示 (Companion Instructions) - Use L2 to bring up the companion menu and DPAD Up or Down to select from ついて来い (Follow Me ) or そこを動くな (Stay Put).

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima should follow the deer footsteps west, south then back east again.

Assisted Cut Scene

! Memo 獲物を狩る (Spoils of Hunting) - Many animals can be plundered for skins and meat after they have been killed.

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima needs to shoot the deer.

Assisted Cut Scene

! Memo 獲物の?? (Spoils of ??) -

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima needs to walk up to the deer carcass.

Assisted Cut Scene

The spoils of the deer are automatically transferred to Saejima's napsack.

! Memo 獲物の?? (Spoils of ??) -

! Memo 体力か0になったら (Stamina reducing to 0).

Adventure Mode

  • The marker is at the bottom of the mountain.
Saejima and Okudera need to return home.
  • 下山しない - Don't Descend Mountain
  • 下山する - Descend Mountain (Choose)
! A Result card is shown for the Huntsman Primer mission.

Assisted Cut Scene

Back in Okudera's hut, Saejima...

! Memo - 雪山アイテムの移動 (Snowy Mountain Item Transfer) - Take items from Saejima's napsack that he collected from the mountains and put them in his current inventory or saved inventory.

  • すべてアイテムボックスにに移す - Transfer all the items
  • 所持品に移すものを選ぶ - Transfer individual items

: Reward: 2,000 XP

! Learn - 雪面歩行スキル獲得 (Movement Speed on Snowy Surface Skill)

Adventure Mode

  • There is a marker at the stairs in the village.
If you speak to Sakurai then he has the following options:
  • ぼちぼちやな - Little by little
  • いや さっぱりや - No not at all

Neither seem to make any difference.

Assisted Cut Scene

Adventure Mode

  • There is a marker at Okudera in the hut.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima talks to Okudera and Baba. Okudera tells Saejima about setting traps before going up on the mountain:
  • 準備が済んでいる - Take care of preparations (Choose)
  • まだ準備できていない - Don't do preparations yet 
Saejima completes this function then Okudera will give the following options:
  • 雪山に入る - Enter the Snowy Mountain area
  • もう一度アイテム整理する - Load Up one more time
  • 状況確認 - View Status Report Card
  • やっぱりやめる - Quit

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima has a nice chat with the 業者 

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Okudera are at the bottom of the Snowy Mountain.

Okudera talks about trapping and gives Saejima 

! Memo 罠の耐久度 (Trap Endurance Degree) - Talks about the durability of the traps and th

! Memo 罠場 (Trap Locations) - When you see a glowing inverse cone with the 罠場 text hovering above it then interact.

Adventure Mode

  • There are trap plots in the north.

Assisted Cut Scene

When they get near the trap plots, Okudera reminds Saejima about placing traps.

! Memo 罠場の確認 (Confirm Placing Traps) -

! Memo 罠を仕掛ける (Set Up Traps) -

Adventure Mode

  • Set up a trap.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima goes to set the trap:

! Memo 罠場発見 (Trap Location Discovery).

Saejima is then asked which type of trap he wants to set based on which ones he has in his napsack.

At the moment he should only have: 

Okudera will then discuss what happens when he catches an animal.

! Memo 獲物の回収 (Collecting Spoils) - Interact with the trap to collect the fur, meat and other byproducts.

! Memo 「狩猟」のもとめ (Hunting - Request) - Summarises getting a request for items, setting traps then collecting the spoils.

!??? The setup trap is displayed as a green rhomboid on the map.

Adventure Mode

  • Set up 2 oth

Assisted Cut Scene

When setting up the third Okudera tells Saejima he is a good boy (or something!).

Adventure Mode

  • Set up the fourt

Assisted Cut Scene

Okudera only now decides to tell Saejima about a massive big bear called ヤマオロシ (Yamaroshi). Oh thanks Okudera!

Adventure Mode

  • The first trap set should now have some spoils in it.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima has caught an Usagi (Rabbit).
  • 回収する - Collect
  • やめる - Quit

Saejima receives

Okudera and Saejima are talking when they hear a ガオー (Roar) from 熊の声 (Bear Voice). Oh oh it's Yamaroshi.

Adventure Mode

  • Deal with Yamaroshi.

Assisted Cut Scene

If Yamaroshi manages to hit Okudera then he goes to ground, but the bear decides to retreat.

! A Result card is shown for the Huntsman Primer mission.

Assisted Cut Scene

Back in Okudera's hut, Saejima and Okudera talk by the fire. They have made food for the unconscious Baba.

When Baba wakes they eat and talk about catching the rabbit.

  • すべてアイテムボックスにに移す - Transfer all the items
  • 所持品に移すものを選ぶ - Transfer individual items

: Reward: 2,000 XP

! Memo Receive 奥寺特製防寒着 ? (Okudera warm clothing) - reduces stamina reduction on the mountain.

Adventure Mode

  • Visit the village

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima crosses the bridge in the village he is approached by a 集落の住人 (Village Resident). He points out the bridge. This is wherecan be found.

When Saejima walks a bit north then he comes across Sakurai talking to 集落の男 (Village Man). This is the start of

Adventure Mode

  • Visit the 集落の老人 (Aged Villager) at the northern most part of the village.

Assisted Cut Scene

The Aged Villager says Saejima must talk to Okudera if he wants to leave.

Adventure Mode

  • A pink story marker is at the Hut.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima enters the hut and sits by the fire next to Okudera.

They talk about Yamaroshi.

Adventure Mode

  • A pink story marker is at Okudera in the Hut opens up.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima talks to Okudera he gets the following options:
  • 馬場と街へ下りる - Descend the Mountain Village with Baba
  • 状況確認 - View Status Report Card
  • なんでもない - Nothing!
Okudera asks whether Saejima is sure he wants to go to Tsukimino:
  • 馬場と街へ下りる - Descend the Mountain Village with Baba
  • やっぱりやめる - Quit

Cut Scene:

Hokkaido. Snowy Mountain Village. Okudera's hut.
External. Day.

Okudera bids Saejima and Baba farewell outside his hut.

Cutscene descriptions by yimbocarimbo.

End Chapter




RGG 5 - Part 2 第四章 無謀なる闘い - Chapter 4 Reckless Battle


Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Baba arrive in the district of Sapporo city. Baba and Saejima walk down the street and see a Tsukimino TV public screen アナウンサー (Announcer) deliver a news report. Baba and Saejima discuss it and walk off.

Assisted Cut Scene

Baba and Saejima are stood on 中央駅通南 - Central Station Avenue South and talk. Baba runs off.

Adventure Mode

! In this early section there are kids walking the streets!

Saejima and Baba have to get to a building that Baba has, but they have to be careful of the cops. Saejima has to follow Baba for a certain distance until a cop blocks their way.

Assisted Cut Scene

Baba says they'll never get past the cops if there are two of them so must split up. Baba tells Saejima he is looking for {{北極星 Polaris}} which is on 中道通り - Nakamichi Street.

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima has to make his own way to Polaris which is marked on the map.
  • Saejima can enter most establishments.
  • Saejima can start off the  if he picks up a shiny object off the floor.{C}

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima reaches the marked building {{北極星 Polaris}}, he is greeted inside by Baba. They talk.

Cut Scene: 乾杯 "Toast"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Club Polaris.


Saejima and Baba go into the disused bar.

Baba This is it.
Saejima Nice job finding a place like this.
Baba This was a nice bar my friend used to run. I thought it would be open so I dropped by..., but as you can see, it's deserted. It's more convenient for us like this though.

Baba wipes the dust of a bar stool and coughs as the dust motes fly into the air.

Baba Here you go, take a seat. It looks like Tsukimino has completely changed in the last 10 years. In the past all the shops here were thriving, but it feels somewhat desolate now.
Saejima This place looks like it closed down some time ago.
Baba Ah, here it is.

Baba pulls out a bottle of "The Macallan 1946". Seriously expensive whisky.

Baba We have a Macallan 1946.
Hold on a moment.

! Note: A Macallan 1946 in 2012 costs rough £9,000 / $14,000 / 11,000 Euros.

Baba gets a pair of highball glasses (sacrilege!) and puts them on the counter.

Baba It was unopened, so I think it'll be fine.

They clink glasses and drink.

Baba Waah! This is amazing.
Saejima It sure is.

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Baba talk and drink.

Eventually Polaris is made the new 


Assisted Cut Scene

As Saejima goes to leave Polaris, Baba gives Saejima 30,000 yen to play with.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima exits {{Polaris}}, {{Tatsuya Kawagoe}} is standing there (as ?そうな男) and can be interacted with to start off the Masters' missions.

! Saejima receives a text from best_friend "世界中のマイフレンズへ".

Adventure Mode

  • The next story marker is at Bar Ambitious. Speak to the バーテン (Barman) about the カジノ (casino).
  • Saejima can start off 
  • Saejima can also take the taxi back to the village to complete the sections

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima goes to leave the bar he is approached by 身なりのいい中年 (Presentable Man) who asks if he wants to challenge him at a game of  for the info about the casino.

  • ビリヤード勝負する - Billiard Contest
  • 5万払う - Pay 50,000 yen
  • 相手にしない - Don't Combat (Quit)

If Saejima beats The Presentable Man or gives him the money then he tells Saejima that he needs to find キヨタカ爺さん (Old Man Kiyotaka), a homeless man.

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima could try the west end of 北小路 Kitakouji Street!

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima walks down the west end of 北小路 Kitakouji Street (opposite and east of Ebisu Pawn) he sees an old man slumped against a wall. Could it be Old Man Kiyotaka? It is. Saejima asks about アンビシャスのカジノ(Ambitious Casino). Kiyotaka wants to know how many homeless there are:
  • 71
Kiyotaka gives Saejima 

Adventure Mode

  • Saejima needs to walk up east 大路 - Main Street past the phone box.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima passes the phone rings. Saejima is talked to by a mysterious stranger.

Adventure Mode

  • The marker is at 中央駅通南 - Central Station Avenue South. It is at the {{宝くじ Lottery Stand}}.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima talks to the 宝くじのおばあちゃん Lottery lady she asks three questions:
  • アタリくじを - Collision draw lots
  • ハズレくじを - End draw lots (Choose)
  • 3??のくじを - 3 years advance draw lots
Question 2:
  • ランダムに。。。。 - Random...
  • ??で。。。。 -
  • バラで。。。。 - Coins (Choose)
Question 3:
  • 7枚 - 7 tickets (Choose)
  • 1枚 - 1 ticket
  • 9枚 - 9 tickets
The Lottery Lady gives Saejima 

Adventure Mode

  • The next marker is at {{Bar Ambitious}}. Saejima needs to speak to the bartender and give him the Casino Entry Slip.
  • There is an 入 enter icon at the door at the end of the bar, past the pool table.

Assisted Cut Scene

Inside the casino are 3 men (北方組構成員 - Kitakata Family Members), (長身 Tall guy, 強面 scary face and サングラス Sunglasses) stood by the roulette table. They talk to each other about the boss and the Opening Guest and Opening Ceremony of the 雪まつり (Snow Festival) that will be held in the neighbourhood. Saejima interupts them and asks them about the ceremony.

Battle Mode

北方組構成員 - Kitakata Family Members

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima gets a bit more information off the beaten Kitakata Family Members.

Outside Saejima thinks about the Kitakata Family and Polaris.

Adventure Mode

  • The story marker is back at Polaris the hideout.
  • 3 new are available.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Baba talk about what he has found out at the casino.

Adventure Mode


  • Story mode only continues if Saejima talks to Baba. Saejima can save without the need to talk to Baba and continue any side quests.
  • When Saejima talks to Baba he asks whether he needs to rest. 兄貴. 明日は忙しくなりそうです。 そろそろ休みましょう。 (Aniki, tomorrow you will be busy. Why don't you retire?):
    • はい Hai - OK (This will change the time to day, but Saejima can do things like the hostesses during the day!)
    • いいえ Iie - Nah!

Assisted Cut Scene

The next day Baba says good morning to Saejima and they have a chat.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima is free to do any side quests.
  • The next story marker is in the east end of 大路公園 - Main Street Public Park which opens up When Saejima gets near the marker then he is noted of the police presence (The cops shown have been there since he got to Tsukimino though!). Saejima needs to walk past them as far as possible and as slowly as possible otherwise the game will take over and do it for him! Saejima needs to walk to the chaired area infront of the Tower.

Assisted Cut Scene

Once Saejima gets close, he reads that it is 2012 雪まつり (Snow Festival). The board says there is an オープニング セレモニー - Opening Ceremony. He notices a manhole which is situated by the front row.

Adventure Mode


  • Go to the "?" marker at the corner of the south west corner of the park.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima leaves the park, he see's more cops across the street. He runs through to the snowball fighting park. Follow the instructions on the page up until where Saejima signs up at the desk to avoid the police then come back here.

Adventure Mode


Once Saejima has registered at the Snowball Fighting reception then he can continue with the Story Mode. He doesn't actually need to play it.

The next story marker is at Polaris.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima gets back to Polaris Baba is there. They talk and then Baba leaves and Saejima has the following options:
  • 明日に備えて寝る - Rest to prepare for tomorrow.
  • 街を探索する - Explore the town (Returns Saejima to the street and allows Adventure Mode. When Saejima returns to Polaris this menu will reappear in the opposite order.)
If Saejima decides to rest then the next morning he gets up and Baba is there. They talk.

Adventure Mode


  • The next story marker is actually actually talking to Baba

Assisted Cut Scene

Baba asks whether Saejima is ready, the following option appears:
  • 準備は全部済んだ - I'm prepared
  • まだやり残したことがおる - Do things yet left undone

They talk but eventually Baba runs out.

Assisted Cut Scene

Outside Polaris a police man is on the street when Saejima glances round the corner. The man looks like the Presentable Man who Saejima talked to in Bar Ambitious. Saejima runs back to the back alley where he comes across 5 men of 北方組組員 Kitakata Family.

Battle Mode

北方組構成員 Kitakata Family members x 5

Hint: Lots of environmental weapons here including Portable Stoves HEAT Action fans.

NB: You are now in MGS mode and need to be wary of the cops otherwise the  will appear. The map is enlarged.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima needs to go south out the backlot

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima exits the backlot then he sees a cop at the entrance to 北小路 Kitakouji Street. He needs to find a disguise.

Adventure Mode


  • Saejima needs to 調 investigate the コート (Distinguished Suit) or サンタ (Santa Suit).
  • Saejima needs to get to the alleyway west of {{Ebisuya Pawn}}. The mini map has arrows to guide you.

Battle Mode

北方組構成員 Kitakata Family members x 6

When the battle ends a bad guy and his lackeys enter.

Battle Mode

6 members with 川島 (Kawashima) miniboss and quarterboss
  • Saejima can now access the next clearing to the east.

Battle Mode

北方組構成員 Kitakata Family members x 7

  • Once Saejima clears the first set of enemies in this area a second wave appears.

Battle Mode

北方組構成員 Kitakata Family members x 6

  • Saejima needs to continue east. The mini map has arrows to guide you.

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima reaches 中央駅通 - Central Station Avenue he sees Baba across the road
  • When Saejima tries to cross the road there are QTEs 2 O

Assisted Cut Scene

When Saejima crosses the road Baba runs up to him. They talk and then run up to the backlot behind east Kitakouji Street.

Battle Mode

with Baba against at least 8 北方組構成員 Kitakata Family members.

Assisted Cut Scene

Saejima and Baba talk in the backlot after defeating the Kitakata men. They talk about the manhole cover then find one in the backlot.

Saejima and Baba are in the dark sewers. They stop and talk. Baba looks up.

Cut Scene: セレモニー "Ceremony"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Main Street Public Park.

External. Day. 5C.

It's a brisk, clear winter morning. The camera pans from the Tsukimino Tower during the day. On a stage in the park is an announcer.

Announcer I am pleased to announce the start of the 56th anniversary of the Tsukimino Snow Festival. You are all aware of what the Hokkaido winter is like. It is associated with a lot of snow. We have a connection with this snow and that we commence this enjoyable festival every year in this way is a testament to our symbiosis with nature here in Tsukimino.

The camera focuses mainly on the seating area at the foot of the Tower. There is a fat man in the seats who sticks a finger in his ear and has a good rummage. This is 北方大蔵 Taizou Kitakata the head of the Kitakata Family. A cop comes up to him.

Cop Kitakata...
Kitakata Huh?
Cop I have recieved information that the prisoners who escaped Abashiri Penitentiary have shown up in this area.
Kitakata Hn!
Cop Security is water tight, but there is a remote possibility that they could get to you. Please be very cautious about your surroundings.

Whilst the cop and Kitakata are talking the camera shows the presence of many cops round the park. A helicopter passes over and snipers are seen at the top of adjacent buildings.

The speaker from the stage sits next to Kitakata.

Announcer Hey, what's up?
Kitakata Oh nothing... It seems someone I have been anxiously waiting for has finally arrived. Looks like I will finally be able to fulfill my promise to "him".
Announcer Huh?
Kitakata But how do they expect me to break through this security?

Title: Head of the Kitakata Family - 北方大蔵 Taizou Kitakata

Kitakata Ngn! Never mind, don't worry about it.
Announcer The opening aviation show is beginning.

They look up to the sky to see formation fighter jets fly past the Tower.

Announcer What did you think? That was amazing, wasn't it? They really splashed the cash this year.

The camera was focussed on the announcers and pulls back to reveal Kitakata's seat is empty!

Announcer Huh!?

The manhole cover moves back into place...

The jets fly past the tower. It's -5C.

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: 豪胆 "Courage"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Sewers under Main Street Public Park.

Internal. Day.

In the sewers, Saejima has his arm round Kitakata as Baba follows slightly behind. They stop.

Kitakata Heh, heh! I see... I didn't think of something like that.
Saejima Am I right in saying that you are Kitakata, the head of the Kitakata Family?
Kitakata Yes I am and you must be Saejima Taiga.
Saejima I am.
Kitakata I'm glad I could meet you like this. I've been waiting for you all this time.
Saejima Waiting for me? What do you mean?
Kitakata You heard Majima had died and so you came here all the way from Abashiri, didn't you? Came here to meet with me, the man who killed him, am I right?
What you've heard is true. But there is something I have to convey to you.
Saejima What?
Kitakata What Majima Gorou said in his dying moments. Aren't you curious?
I have prepared a place where we won't be disturbed. Let's talk there.
Baba Brother, it could be a trap.
Kitakata Don't worry, this is a place even my men don't know about. Of course, the police don't know about it either. As I mentioned before, I have prepared for your arrival. Now, let's get going.
Baba Brother...!
Saejima Alright, lead the way.

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.

Assisted Cut Scene

Kitakata walks through a vacant office followed by Saejima and Baba. It is evening. They stop and talk. After a short while Baba runs off. Saejima and Kitakata continue to talk. They go to the window and look out whilst continuing to talk.

Cut Scene: 凶弾 "Assassin's Bullet"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Office.

Internal. Evening.

Saejima and Kitakata are stood by the window which lets in the light from the setting sun.

Kitakata It seems Majima had a feeling. A feeling that someone else had an ulterior motive behind the alliance negotiations.
Saejima Someone else?
Kitakata Yeah, he said the Toujou Clan and Kitakata Family forming an alliance might be all part of this guy's plan.
Saejima So then Majima tried to call off the alliance?
Kitakata Most likely.
Saejima Do you know who the guy behind this is?
Kitakata It's...

Kitakata is shot in the chest through the window. Saejima looks to the building across the road. There is a gunman on the roof opposite who is fleeing. Saejima checks Kitakata, he's unconscious and maybe dead.

Saejima Hey Kitakata, hang in there. Shit!

Saejima runs out of the office. He enters the street and looks around. He see's a masked man across the street. He follows the masked mans run then crosses at the intersection so he is behind the masked man.

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.

Chase Battle

謎の男 (Mystery Man)

! Saejima needs to chase the masked man to Ramen Town.

Cut Scene: 暴かれた素顔 "Face Revealed"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Ramen Town.

Internal. Evening / Night. Light Snow.

Saejima unmasks the shooter.

Saejima It's you!!

It's Baba!

Saejima Baba!

Baba, on the floor looking up at Saejima, is panting out of breath.

Saejima Baba, what's this all about?

Baba stands up and rips off his jacket with one sweep of his hand. He has a poloneck tattoo!

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo. {C}


Cut Scene: 計画の一蟐 "Part of the Plan"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Ramen Town alleyway.

External. Night. Light Snow.

Saejima Why did you shoot Kitakata? He's your boss, isn't he?
Baba Brother, you really are a meek guy. Kitakata is my boss, heh? I am not a member of the Kitakata Family. It was useful for acheiving my objective, so I kept up with the pretence.
Saejima Your objective?
Baba That's right. Me being transferred to that prison and being put in the same room as you was all planned.
Saejima You're telling me it was all an act?
Baba Yep, and you performed exactly as predicted, so much so it baflled me. But to be honest with you, I really didn't want you to find out about this.
Saejima Baba...!
Baba If this is how things are turning out, then... I should have died up on the mountains. If I did, then I wouldn't have to go through all this.
Saejima Don't be ridiculous.
Baba My duty is to monitor you. To do that, I entered the prison.
Saejima So the story about the murder you committed 10 years ago was...
Baba Made up, obviously. I thought a story like that would grab your attention.
Saejima Why did you need to go so far to keep an eye on me? Did you think I'd break out of prison?
Baba No, that's not it. It's actually the opposite.
Saejima The opposite?
Baba My goal was to control your sentence. In other words, to get you out of prison when the time was right and then bring you here to Tsukimino.
Saejima That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! How could you be able to do something like that?
Baba Think about it. There were people getting in the way of your parole back in prison, remember.
Saejima People getting in the way? Don't tell me...!
Baba Kugihara. He was the tool I used to prolong your time in prison. Yes, he worked for me! I needed to postpone your parole, so I used Kugihara and had him and his guys attack you.
Saejima Then, the incident with you stabbing that guy with a chisel was...
Baba Yes, I really did do it. I had no choice but to do it, to ensure you would attack Kugihara.
Saejima [Derogatively] You...!
Baba However, right after I went so far to keep you in, I had to do the opposite and get you out of there. So, I used outside power and set up the situation for the prison break.
Saejima What do you mean? Explain yourself!
Baba Majima Gorou's death. That for us, was the sign to get you out of prison. Majima was killed so you'd leave. Majima dies, then we make a move. That was our plan.
Saejima Majima died because of me? What do you mean?
Baba Killing the warden, making preparations with the ministry of justice to have your parole application withdrawn; all of it was necessary to steer you to leave of your own accord. Well, I for one don't have that kind of power.
Saejima What did you do it for? Why did you need to get me out of prison so badly?
Baba Because, I need your strength to carry out the plan of the man backing me up.

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 兄弟の誓い "Sibling Oath"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Ramen Town alleyway.

External. Night. Light Snow.

Saejima The guy who's backing you up? Who is he?
Baba If you found out, you'll end up dead. Of course, if I tell you then I'll be killed too. So there is only one conclusion here.

Baba pulls out a gun from the back of his waistband and points it at Saejima.

Baba You dying here was not part of the plan. But now things have come to this, it's unavoidable.
Saejima One of us has to die here hey?

Baba cocks the gun, but looks reticent.

Saejima What's the matter? Shoot!?
Do it, now!

Baba begins to look as if he has inner turmoil and he drops the arm with the pistol.

Saejima What are you doing, Baba!?

Baba, with renewed vigour, points the gun back at Saejima.

Saejima Get on with it!
Baba Let me ask you one last question, why... why did you come to save me?
Saejima When?
Baba When I was stranded in the mountains. You should have just left me for dead and come to Tsukimino alone. Yet you came back to save me without any regard for the danger. Why!?
Saejima I could never abandon a brother. That is all.
Baba Brother?
Saejima Yeah!
Baba But, we've never exchanged sake cups and I've only been using you how I please. Despite that, you still call me a brother?
Saejima Hmph, of course I do. Exchanging sake cups is nothing more than a ceremony. The bond shared between two people can exist naturally without the need for that ceremony. Right? Baba, I have always considered you a little brother to me.
Baba Ah, ah stop it!
Saejima I don't care what was going on behind my back. You are a true brother to me.
Baba [Exhasperated] That's enough!

Baba points the gun to himself.

Saejima Nrurgh! What the hell are you playing at?

Saejima runs and punches Baba to the ground.

Saejima Get up Baba! As your big brother, there is something I have to teach you.
Baba What?
Saejima That no matter how hard things are, we must live on. No matter how hard things are, we must live a life with dreams.
Baba Dreams?
Saejima Yeah, I am sure you have a dream of your own. Dreams you want to seize. Dreams that you want to fulfill.
I took a vow before I entered Abarishi Pen. That I would prevent those who had no choice but to enter the world of the yakuza from living the same painful life as me. That is the dream Majima and myself dreamt. It's the reason I am here now.

Baba gets up and wipes his mouth.

Saejima Baba, it would be too easy if you could just die when it suits you. I will teach you what death is all about.
Baba How are you going to do that?
Saejima It's simple. I'm going to beat you to the point where you fear for your life.
Baba I see. That's your way of doing things, isn't it?
Saejima Yeah! You don't like it?

Baba puts up his fists. Saejima does likewise.

Baba Let's get this over with.
Saejima Let's do this Baba!
Baba Arrrgggghhh!

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.

Battle Mode

Shigeki Baba

Hint: I used two of the bikes on him then a climax heat then Sway []△

! NB Final health bar QTE

Cut Scene: 夢の行く末 "Destiny of Dreams"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Ramen Town alleyway.

External. Night. Light Snow.

Saejima punches Baba square in the face knocking him to the floor. Saejima walks up closer to the prone, panting Baba. He then offers his hand. Baba accepts.

Saejima Well? How did the pain of death, feel?
Baba Heh, heh, it didn't feel good.

They both sit on the floor and Saejima offers Baba a cigarette. They sit, smoke and talk.

Baba You're not going to ask?
Saejima Hm?
Baba About the identity of the guy who got you involved in all of this.

Saejima stands up, throws his cigarette to the floor and stubs it out with his foot.

Saejima I don't care. It won't bring Majima back. However, I had sort of thought it when I met Kitakata.
Baba Thought what?
Saejima He's still alive.
It might just be my wishful thinking I guess.

Baba stands up.

Baba Brother Saejima, I'm swallowing my pride, please let me off the hook.

Baba does a 45° bow.

Baba If I tell you the truth now, I'll be taken out for sure. But, I can't die yet. I do have dreams.
Saejima Mm!
Baba But, when I fulfill my dreams in my own way, I will definitely appear before you again. When that time comes, please exchange sake cups with me, as sworn brothers.
Saejima Sure. Whenever you are ready, I'll be waiting for you.
Baba Thanks.

Baba bows, then turns and jogs off.

Saejima looks to the floor and see's the gun. He kneels and picks it up.

At the entrance of the alleyway, stand Serizawa and a phalanx of cops.

Serizawa Saejima Taiga, isn't it? You are under arrest for breach of prison and for violating the firearms control law.

Saejima stands up.

Serizawa Ha! Looks like I can finally talk with you face to face.

Saejima is stood, looking pissed off. Oh Oh! Looks like it's prison again!

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.

Cut Scene: 刑事の勘 (勤/勘) "Police Detective's Intuition"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Dual Carraigeway.

External. Night. Clear.

A Police Van rides by.

Police Van internal.

Saejima is cuffed. Opposite him the Oosakan cop, Serizawa, smokes a cigarette.

Serizawa You gave yourself up fairly quickly for a guy who broke out of prison.
Did you get to meet Kitakata?
Saejima How do you know about that?
Serizawa I know what your objective was, why you did what you did. Don't underestimate the police. Besides, Kitakata has just been transferred to the police hospital.

Saejima stands, shackled by the chains.

Saejima They saved Kitakata?
Serizawa Yeah. They rushed over there after they heard the gunshot. You didn't shoot him did you? I got word from the hospital and they say he's fine. Don't worry about him.
Saejima I see.
Serizawa You wanted to hear the truth about Majima's death from Kitakata, didn't you?

Saejima stands there with a steely stare, silent.

Serizawa Heh! You're going to stay silent eh? Suit yourself. In that case, just listen to what I have to say. Noone will disturb us here.

Saejima sits back down as Serizawa tokes on his cigarette.

Serizawa You may have heard this from Kitakata, but his family did not kill Majima. It was the Toujou Clan.
Saejima Hn?
Serizawa You look like you don't believe me. Now then, do you know about this, that after Doujima went down to Fukuoka to from an alliance with the Yamigasa Family, he disappeared.
Saejima What did you say?
Serizawa So you didn't know. Just the other day, he suddenly vanished during his visit there. Then right after that, Majima died in Tsukimino and Azumi died in Nagoya. The Toujou Clan is in a big panic because of this. The fourth division of the Toukyou Police Department is so busy they barely have time to sleep.
At the moment, I'm chasing down a guy called Morinaga.
Saejima Morinaga?
Serizawa He was a bodyguard for Doujima. He killed the General Manager of the Toujou Clan, Aoyama, in Fukuoka.
Saejima Aoyama was killed?
Serizawa Morinaga didn't know the whereabouts of Doujima, the man he was protecting and he even killed the caretaker chairman. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you?
The guy that was with you earlier, he's called Baba isn't he?
Saejima How do you know that?
Serizawa Just as I thought. It's because you let him go.
Saejima What's your objective? Wasn't it to get hold of me?
Serizawa Well yes, there is that... But as for my true objective, it's to ascertain who the traitor of the Toujou Clan is. The person who is manipulating this series of events.
Saejima The traitor of the Toujou Clan.
Serizawa Doujima Daigo's disappearance, Majima's death and you. You haven't been able to watch the activity of the Toujou Clan for a few years now and over the course of a few days everything is being set into motion all at once. In addition, everything is coming together at the same time.
That guy you were with, Baba, I suspect he's part of the gang of the guy manipulating the events surrounding the Toujou Clan.
Saejima Is that person Morinaga?
Serizawa Hm. It's very likely.
Saejima What the hell is going on?
Serizawa There is one thing I do know for sure, that you are at the heart of these incidents within the Toujou Clan. You are being used un their plan.

The camera changes to the external of the police van briefly before returning to the inside.

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo. {C}

Cut Scene: 取引 "Business Dealings"

Hokkaido. Tsukimino. Dual Carraigeway.

Police Van. Internal.

Serizawa continues talking about Tokyo, the Toujou Clan and Morinaga.

Serizawa Are you worried about the Toujou Clan?

Saejima sits in quiet.

Serizawa There's no way you wouldn't be. You've got no choice but to go to Toukyou.
Saejima I know that, but there's nothing I can do about it right now.
Serizawa Ah, I forgot to say, this vehicle is heading to the airport.
Saejima Airport?
Serizawa This serious affair is shaking up the yakuza world across the whole country right now. I want to resolve it with the power of the Oosaka Police Force. To do that, it's best that we chase down the key men behind all this, Morinaga and Baba. So I want your help. Will you go to Toukyou and investigate what's going on within the Toujou Clan for me?
Saejima What?
Serizawa Right now the Toujou Clan is shaken up. If a potential leader like you showed up, that would surely change things.
Saejima You're telling me to be a spy for the police?
Serizawa If you refuse, then you'll just be heading straight back to prison. So, what are you going to do?

Scene descriptions and editing by yimbocarimbo.


第二部クリア - Part 2 Cleared

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